What is the Best Database for Web Development?


Pragya Chauhan

Aug 06, 2024

You created a user-friendly UX/UI interface for your website and think that’s all it takes to attract and retain potential customers, right? Yes, but unfortunately, that’s not all.

Web development is a complex process requiring more than an appealing interface. For a website to work correctly, businesses need to give more attention to the role of databases in web development.

A database is a room inside an office where all the essential information is stored. The information stored is extremely sensitive, so businesses need to be extremely careful when accessing it in the database.

The data stored can be later extracted, and data visualization can be used to derive valuable outcomes. 

However, because many database management systems are available, choosing the best database for web development takes time and effort.

We’re going to talk about that today. Below, we’ve compiled a list of 10 top databases for web development.

Most importantly, at the end of this guide, we’ve listed frequently asked questions and provided answers to help you better understand what data you should choose for your web development project.

What is a Database?

A database is basically a cabinet where all information is stored and managed. It’s like having a big collection of folders and files neatly organized on your computer, and you can find them easily whenever you want without any struggle.

And when it comes to web development, a database plays a vital role. You can understand it like an engine behind a website or app.

When we visit a website, the database stores and provides all the data we see, such as text, images, and user information. A database makes web development smooth and organized.

Types of Databases

Although there are various types of databases available, here are some of the popular database types:

  • Relational Database: This is the most widely used type, known for its structured data organization. Relational databases organize data into structured tables with rows and columns. Some prominent examples are MySQL, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server.
  • NoSQL Database:  These databases store data differently and are non-tabular. NoSQL databases handle unstructured or semi-structured data. MongoDB, Cassandra, and CouchDB are some popular examples. They were first introduced in response to web and mobile app growth in the late 1990s and early 2000s.
  • Document Database: Document databases store data in documents, often in JSON format. MongoDB and CouchDB are some examples of document databases.
  • Key-Value Database: The data is stored as key-value pairs in key valuable databases, with keys acting as unique identifiers.
  • Cloud Database: Hosted on cloud infrastructure and accessible over the internet, cloud databases like Amazon RDS, Google Cloud SQL, and Microsoft Azure SQL Database provide scalability, ease, and cost savings. They become popular in the mid-to-late 2000s with the growth of cloud computing.

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Role of a Database in Web Development

Choosing the best database for web development plays a critical role in several ways:

Data Storage

A database's most significant role is storing vast amounts of data that power websites and web applications. It enables web developers to organize data in logical structures and retrieve it quickly and efficiently when required.

An online database also allows users to easily search and filter data to find specific information.

Data Security

The best databases for web development offer a secure way to store and manage sensitive data such as customer information, financial data, and personal data.

Using secure authentication and encryption methods, developers can safeguard their databases from unauthorized access and ensure that sensitive data remains confidential.


Internet databases in DBMS are designed to manage large amounts of data. They are scalable to accommodate the needs of growing websites and web applications.

Developers can add new data and expand their databases as their projects grow, allowing them to accommodate more users and handle more transactions.

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The Best Database for Web Development

Today, every business wants its web applications to process and secure data accurately, and if you also want to fulfill such requirements for your web development, here is the list of best databases for web development:

1. The Oracle

Oracle is the most widely used commercial relational database management system, with built-in assembly languages such as C, C++, and Java. This database's most recent version, 21c, contains many new features.

Oracle is the database management system that stands out from the others. Overall, it is the most extensively used RDBMS.

It takes up less space and processes data faster, and it includes several new useful features, such as JSON from SQL.

2. MySQL

MySQL is one of the best databases for web development in 2024, especially for web application development.

This database's primary focus is stability, robustness, and maturity. The most popular application of this database is for web development solutions.

MySQL is written in C and C++ and uses a structured query language. The most recent version of this database, MySQL 8.0, includes a better recovery option.

The best SQL database comes in various editions, each with its own set of features.

3.  MS SQL Server

Microsoft provides excellent toolset support for one of the best database software, both on-premise and in the cloud.

It’s well-tuned to Linux and Windows systems. MS SQL is a multi-model database that supports Structured Data (SQL), Semi-Structured Data(JSON), and Spatial Data.

It is not as inventive or advanced as another modern list of popular databases. Still, it has undergone considerable improvements and overhauls over the years.

4.  PostgreSQL

POSTGRES was the database's initial name. Michael was also honored with the Turing Award for his contributions to PostgreSQL.

PostgreSQL is a database management system written in C that is used by businesses that handle vast amounts of data.

Several gaming apps, database automation tools, and domain registrations use this database management software.

5.  MongoDB

When it comes to the best database for web development, this popular document database is known for its flexibility, scalability, and ease of use with web development languages like JavaScript.'

MongoDB is the first Document Database management software, released in 2009. Loading and accessing data into RDBMS using object-oriented programming languages, which also require additional application-level mapping, is challenging.

Thus, Mongo was developed to handle Document Data to overcome this problem.

6.  IBM DB2

IBM also offered DB2 LUW for Windows, Linux, and Unix. The most recent release, DB2 11.5, speeds up query execution.

The list of databases for web development supports the relational model, but it has grown significantly in recent years. It now supports object-relational features and non-relational models such as JSON and XML.

7.  Redis

Another famous name on the list of best web development databases is Redis, an open-source database project. As per Stack Overflow’s Annual Developer Survey, Redic is ranked among the most used database platforms.


Redis as a distributed can be used in-memory key-value database. It can also be used as a distributed cache and message broker, and durability is an option.

8.  Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch is an open-core full-text search engine based on Lucene, first launched in 2010 by Shay Banon. It’s a full-text search engine with a distributed, multi-tenant capability and a REST API.

It offers horizontal scaling via automatic sharing and REST API. It also supports structured and schema-less data (JSON), which is especially suited to analyzing, Logging, or Monitoring data.

9.  Cassandra

Moving forward in the list of best databases for web development, Cassandra is an open-core, distributed, wide-column store and commonly used database for an application developed in 2008.

This is highly scalable database management software that is widely used by industries to manage massive data.

One of its main features is its decentralized database (Leaderless), which has automatic and multi-data center replication, leading it to become a fault-tolerant base without any failures.

Cassandra has several different operations and infrastructure. Cassandra and HBase databases go a long way and have other use cases according to their types.

10.  OrientDB

OrientDB is an open-source database with a NoSQL multi-model database program that allows businesses to leverage the capabilities of graph database management software without having to build several systems to handle different data types.

It is a management solution that supports graph, document, key-value, and object-oriented database models. These models improve performance and security while allowing for scalability.

How to Choose the Best Database for Web Development?

Now that we have discussed the top 10 databases for web development, the next obvious question is which one to choose. How can you ensure you choose only the right database for your project?

So, choosing the ideal database for website development depends on many factors specific to your project. Below, we’ve broken down the key considerations to guide your decision.

1. Data Structure

Relational Databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL): Ideal for structured data with well-defined relationships between tables (e.g., user accounts, product catalogs).

NoSQL Databases (MongoDB): More flexible for unstructured or semi-structured data that may evolve over time (e.g., user preferences, social media posts).

2. Scalability

Consider how much data you expect to store and how your user base might grow. Some databases such as MySQL scale well vertically (adding more powerful hardware) while others (e.g., NoSQL) can scale horizontally (adding more servers).

3. Performance

Think about how quickly you need your database to respond to user requests. Relational databases excel at specific queries, while NoSQL databases might be faster for handling large amounts of unstructured data.

4. Community support

Evaluate your team's expertise and preferred development tools, Popular relational databases like MySQL have extensive documentation and community support.NoSQL options may require specialized knowledge but can offer greater development flexibility.

5. Security

All databases offer security features but assess your specific needs. Consider factors like user authentication, data encryption, and access control functionalities.

6. Cost

When choosing the best database for web development cost is a big factor. Open-source options (MySQL, PostgreSQL) are cost-effective but require in-house management.

Cloud-based solutions like Amazon RDS offer scalability and managed services but come with ongoing fees.

By carefully considering these factors and the unique needs of your web application, you can make an informed decision about the best database for your project.

Next Read: How Much Does Website Development Cost in 2024


Understanding the core capabilities of popular databases such as MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, and others can help you choose the best database for web development.

The list of top 10 databases discussed here provides proven tools to meet web data challenges now and into the future.

When selecting a database, however, don’t forget to consider factors such as data structure, scalability, performance, community support, security, and cost.

Moreover, evaluate the hosting alternatives such as self-hosting, cloud-based solutions like AWS or Google Cloud, or managed database service.

Remember that this list of most used databases represents a snapshot of the top databases for web applications in 2024, and the technology landscape is constantly evolving.

Thus, staying informed about emerging technologies and evaluating new databases as they gain popularity and maturity is best.

Frequently Asked Questions About Best Database for Web Development

Q. What is the most used database?

Ans. MySQL is one of the most popular open-source relational databases globally.  It's known for its ease of use, affordability, and strong community support.

Q. What is a database application?

Ans. A database application is a software program that lets you interact with a database. It allows you to create, read, update, and delete data stored in the database.  Many web applications rely on database applications for managing user accounts, product information, or website content.

Q. Which database is used by Instagram?

Ans. Instagram likely uses a combination of databases depending on their needs. They might use relational databases for user accounts and post information, and NoSQL databases for handling large amounts of user-generated photos and videos.

Q. What is the relation between Database and web development?

Ans. Most web applications rely on databases to store and manage their data. This data could be anything from product information for an online store to user accounts for a social media platform.  The database stores the information, and the web application retrieves and displays it as needed.

Q. How to create a website with a database?

Ans. There are various ways to create a website with a database. You can use a Content Management System (CMS) like WordPress that integrates with databases, or you can code your website from scratch and connect it to a chosen database using programming languages.

Q. How to develop an application that makes use of a database?

Ans. Developing a database-driven application involves choosing a database, designing the data structure, and writing code to interact with the database.  The code retrieves, stores, and manipulates data based on user interactions within the application.

Q. What are some Database examples in real life?

Ans. Databases are everywhere! Your bank account information, library book records, online shopping cart items, and even music streaming service playlists are all likely stored in databases.

Q. How can we connect to the database in a web application?

Ans. Connecting to a database requires writing code (using a programming language) that interacts with the database management system (DBMS). This code translates web application requests into queries that the database understands, allowing data retrieval and manipulation.

Q. Which database level is closest to the users?

Ans. The user interface (UI) of a web application interacts most directly with users. The database itself sits behind the scenes, but the UI relies on code to connect and present data stored in the database.

Q. What is the Use of DBMs in agriculture?

Ans. Database Management Systems (DBMS) can be used in agriculture for various purposes.  They can track crop yields, manage livestock data, optimize fertilizer usage, and even automate irrigation systems based on real-time data.

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