10 Must-Have Backend Languages for Web Development Projects


Pragya Chauhan

Sep 05, 2024

How to Choose the Right Backend Language for Your ProjectYou would agree that a high number of businesses are highly dependent on back-end language in this modern digital era of the 21st century in order to provide strength to their web development operations.

The backend developer languages is used in order to generate software and programs underhand or behind the scenes, as these are opposed to frontend languages which are used in order to generate the user interface.

There are numerous languages that are in use nowadays, and some of these languages have appeared and come out more popular and advanced than others. As a result, we will be providing you with a comprehensive list of the Top 10 best backend language for web development for web development in 2023.

What is Backend Language?

The server-side development of a website or application that manages storing, processing, and recovering data is what is referred to as a backend web development.

It necessitates everything from the server that the application is running on, to the databases that supply the data, to the security features that safeguard delicate details and information.

Frontend development emphasizes the feel and look of the application or website, whereas backend development is all about ensuring that the app or website is able to run and function in a proper manner.

This incorporates everything from making certain that server requests are handled and prepared in a quick and effective manner and, in order to make sure that the database is able to reserve and recover data efficiently.

Backend development controls the integration of databases, the development of APIs and web services, and the logic of the server-side architecture in order to make sure that the client side of the application or website functions properly.

Backend development makes use of frameworks, backend programming languages, and libraries in order to protect, build, and sustain the complicated server-side architecture and preserves the data from unaccredited attacks, and access.

It makes sure that the backend transpires accurately with the front end when controlling requests, sending appropriate responses back to the front end, and transforming the data precisely, correctly, and effectively.

Why is Backend Language Important?

These languages are most important in order to power an application or website There are still a majority of people who are only familiar with front-end languages such as HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and others.

However, they should understand that the back-end language is equally important to learn as most of the applications and websites would not be workable without using these languages.

Essential backend technologies for powering applications and websites

These languages permit these companies to process billions of data promptly and effectively. They also allow these companies to offer complicated features and functionalities. For example, advocating products to users located on their previously purchased histories.

Furthermore, in order to power some of the most accepted applications and websites, these languages are most important for both full-fledged businesses and small startups.

It doesn’t matter if you are an owner of a small startup or a full-fledged business. If you are looking to create a simple and sober website or a large organization searching for a complicated software application will be an essential part of your development process.

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Benefits of Using Backend Language

The benefits of using these languages are mentioned below:

Accommodate and furnish pre-built tools and components in order to speed up the development procedure, empowering effective processing and bringing down the development cost and time.

It provides the ability to ascend and progress. It is very critical and significant in controlling high dimensions of user requests and traffic.

Built-in security characteristics in order to secure and preserve against SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and other susceptibilities.

A compatible codebase alleviates development because of boosts productivity and minimises errors.

Characteristics built-in amalgamation with other services and tools, that easily attach your applications to databases, email services, payment gateways, and other third-party services.

A developer community brings forth adequate support, corroborates bug fixing, and contributes upgrades in order to keep the framework pertinent over time.

How Many Backend Languages Are There?

There are numerous languages that coders use on a regular basis. Nevertheless, there are many languages that are paramountly well-liked than others. As a matter of fact, there are a wide variety of applications and websites that are powered by a nuisance of backend developing languages.

It can be difficult to keep up with so many different back-end languages that are highly used by majority of the people in today’s modern world.

As there are several back-end languages in existence, i.e. there is a long web backend developer languages list and many of them can be grouped into one of four main categories as are mentioned below:

» Scripting Languages: In order to create small programs or scripts, scripting languages are designed. For example, PHP, Perl, and Python.

A photo of programming languages and scripting languages like PHP, Perl, and Python
» Markup Languages: In order to create documents with a particular structure or layout, markup languages are designed. For example, XML, and HTML.

A repetitive image showing the text 'markup language html5' multiple times. Used to create structured documents like XML and HTML
» Programming Language: In order to create larger applications or programs, back-end languages are designed. For example, Java, C++, and C#.

A futuristic wheel symbolizing software development. Back-end languages like Java, C++, and C# are key for creating large applications
» Query Languages: For querying data from a database, Query languages are designed. For example, SQL and NoSQL.

A visual representation of a data structure in a data processing system with query languages like SQL and NoSQL

As there are so many different back-end languages that people use today in this modern 21st century, many back-end languages have emerged as some of the most highly popular and best languages than others.

How to Select The Best Language for Backend to Learn?

In order to pick the most in-demand backend language to learn, you must understand that learning back-end language highly depends on various factors which are as follows:

» Your level of Experience

» The project that you are working on

» Your personal preferences

If you are a fresher and just getting started in learning backend language and backend development, then we would prefer to recommend you learn one of the best scripting languages, such as Python or PHP.

These languages are improved for small projects as a result these are understandable and readable for beginners.

If you need to work on an extensive web application or software application project, then you will need to learn any of the backend languages that are explained below.

The back-end languages are no doubt, complicated to understand but learning these languages will help anyone by providing them with the power and flexibility that they will need in order to develop and build these complicated applications.

It doesn’t matter which back-end languages you are opting to learn, but we are here to suggest and recommend you wisely on all terms.

JavaScript originated in 1995 and is considered an easy backend language. This is the best language for the backend. This language is used both for frontend and backend, due to which it is also termed a highly flexible and in-demand language.

With the help of and using Express.js, Node.js, and Hapi.js frameworks, JavaScript language is chiefly used for backend development.

JavaScript basics - jQuery logo. JavaScript, the popular backend language, is flexible and in-demand for frontend and backend development

These frameworks make it easy for all types of developers to build any application (no matter how complicated they are), and this language i.e. JavaScript is perfect for beginning developers who want a quicker and easiest way to develop complicated applications of all types.

⇒ Pros of JavaScript:

JavaScript language is used both for front-end and backend developer languages extensively. Hence, it is considered a flexible language all around the world.

JavaScript is easy to understand and readable. Beginners find it best for learning.

The development process has become easier and quicker when compared to other backend languages only because of the JavaSxcript language.

⇒ Cons of JavaScript:

Security and Guarantee Concerns: Because that JavaScript is a dynamic language, it might be tough to secure it. As a result, for a larger part, it is true for larger applications.

Unsuitable for Everything: JavaScript is not suitable for everything or every situation.

2. Python

Being an easy language for developers, Python was developed in 1991. This is another best language for backend. Python language is used to build several distinctive applications.

In the context of machine learning and data science, Python language is used extensively on a larger scale. Python is a backend language and is used for server-side web development and multiple independent services.

A computer screen displaying Python code editor, a popular backend language developed in 1991 for building distinctive applications
This language has several web frameworks which include Flask and Django get it ahead in order to develop and deploy web applications. In order to develop RESTful APIs, Python language is considered one of the most-suited languages.

⇒ Pros of Python:

Python language is one of the widely used back-end languages.

Python language is easy to learn for everyone. No matter if they are beginner or advanced developers.

Python language has an immense standard library.

Python language is an open source.

⇒ Cons of Python:

When compared to other languages, Python is not as fast as them.

Python language is unsuitable for mobile development.

3. Java

Java originated in 1995 and its difficulty level is moderate. This language is considered as best language for backend. Java language is an adaptable and strong language that authorizes developers to create vigorous and strong backend systems.

Java can be run on any OS or operating system, in order to make it intact to develop cross-platform apps.

In addition to this, Java is one of the most stable languages, with the help of which backend systems are developed and are inconceivable to experience any bugs, crashes, or any other issues.

A powerful Java programming session on Windows 10, creating robust backend systems. Originating in 1995, Java is a moderate difficulty language

Being a backend development language, Java language empowers developers to create and develop scalable and high-performing systems. Java is also widely used in organizations and businesses which makes it the best choice for backend development in bigger enterprises.

⇒ Pros of Java:

Around the world, Java is one of the widely used languages.

Java language is used for building full-fledged organizational applications.

For developing mobile, web, desktop, and other applications, Java is one of the best languages.

Java language makes development easier and faster.

⇒ Cons of Java:

Like Ruby or Python languages, Java can be difficult to learn.

For startups, Java can be slow.

Beginners can find it difficult to learn Java language.

4. PHP

PHP language originated in 1995 and it is easy to understand and learn. PHP language is one of the most acceptable scripting and backend dev languages that is greatly used for backend development.

This language is easy to learn and has a great range of frameworks and libraries which makes the development process easier. PHP is also befitting for developing dynamic web applications.

A simple and widely used scripting language, PHP, known for its features and ease of learning since 1995

PHP is used as a backend language for web development and it can also be used for developing mobile and desktop apps.

⇒ Pros of PHP:

PHP is one of the most accepted and approved back-end languages that power major sites like Wikipedia, Facebook, and WordPress

PHP language is easy to learn for beginners and has a diversity of frameworks and libraries available in PHP.

PHP runs mostly on operating systems and web servers, which makes it a justifiable choice for web development.

⇒ Cons of PHP:

PHP code can be inconsistent and messy which makes it difficult to preserve and sustain big projects.

When compared to other back-end languages such as Java or Go, PHP language is not as fast as these languages.

5. Go

Go language originated in 2009 and its difficulty language is moderate when compared to other back-end languages. This language is another best backend languages among developers.

It comes under the backend coding languages and is a comparatively new language that was designed with occurrence and accomplishments in mind. Go is a compiled language which means that it is rapid, quick, and systemized.

A popular image showcasing the rise of Go programming language since its inception in 2009. Moderately difficult but loved by developers

In addition to this, Go language offers developers built-in support for concurrent languages, which makes it one of the best choices for developing or building backend systems that need to handle and manage a lot of traffic.

⇒ Pros of Go:

Go language is very fast and prompt and its compiled code runs close to the speed of C.

Go language has an efficient garbage collection system that recovers or claims back memory that is no longer needed or used by the program

Go programs are stagnantly typed and as a result, they have very few runtime errors or issues.

⇒ Cons of Go:

The lack of general and collective generics can make code difficult and burdensome in order to read and maintain.

Go language doesn’t have immense frameworks or libraries available yet, as a result, you might write your own code for definite tasks individually.

6. Ruby

Ruby language originated in 1995 and is considered an easy language to understand and learn for every developer. Ruby is another one of the most adaptable, acceptable, and fun-to-use backend dev languages that help make development an enjoyable and entertaining experience.

It comes under the backend coding languages and Ruby on Rails is a highly in-demand framework for backend development and has been used by several topmost companies.

Top companies using Ruby on Rails, a versatile and enjoyable backend dev language since 1995

Ruby is also dissimilar and unconnected from other back-end languages in that it is more concentrated on the developer experience and on providing readable and clean code. This helps in making development easier and faster, as a result, there are a majority of startups who prefer to use Ruby language for their backend development needs.

⇒ Pros of Ruby:

This language is easy to read and understandable.

Ruby language is known for its “batteries included” philosophy, which means that several multiple features and characteristics are available out of the box.

⇒ Cons of Ruby:

On large projects, rails can be slow in order to load.

Being a dynamic language, it makes debugging difficult.

7. C#

C# is a programming language that originated in 2000 and is a spontaneous language whose difficulty level is moderate. This language is used to develop many applications.

It is a Microsoft language and supports greatly the Windows platform. This language is greatly used in game development, which is because of its powerful graphics accomplishments and competency.

Top programming languages: C#, a moderate difficulty language developed in 2000, used for various applications

The ease of use and readability is what makes C#, a great language. This language is very comparable and related to C++, hence if you are already sociable with that language, you will have no problems or inconveniences in choosing C#.

Furthermore, the Visual Studio IDE makes it easy to develop in C#, with the help of enormous tools and characteristics in order to help you along the way.

⇒ Pros of C#:

C# is readable and understandable and hence easy to learn.

C# has outstanding tooling and IDE support which is why it is considered one of the most versatile languages.

C# runs on the Microsoft .NET framework

⇒ Cons of C#:

C# has limited cross-platform support.

There can be fewer frameworks and libraries available as these are not as widely used as some other backend programming languages.

8. Rust

The programming language i.e. Rust originated in 2010 and its difficulty level is Hard. It is a systems backend language that runs radiantly fast, prevents faults, and warrants threat safety. It is similar to C++ but provides memory safety without the levy of garbage collection.

 Top 10 popular languages in Rust: Rust, a systems backend language from 2010, runs fast, prevents faults, and ensures threat safety

With its strong performance and security characteristics, Rust is an outstanding choice for backend development, and extraordinarily for building high-performance systems.

⇒ Pros of Rust:

Rust is flamingly fast and memory-effective as with zero garbage collector or runtime, it can power performance-critical services, easily amalgamate with other languages, and can run on embedded devices.

Rust’s ownership model warranty memory safety and thread safety, a rich-type system, preventing complete classes of memory management bugs.

⇒ Cons of Rust:

Rust is a youthful language and hence it lacks the firmness and solidity of some of its competitors and oppositions.

The learning meander for the Rust language could be steep, as it is a very distinct and different language from other backend developing languages.

9. Perl

Perl language originated in 1987 and its difficulty level is moderate. Perl is a strong and versatile backend development language with powerful support for rapid development and text processing.

This language supports multiple libraries and modules for developing scalable, modular, secure, maintainable, and reliable backend systems that guarantee top performances.

Perl language originated in 1987 and its difficulty level is moderate | Arramton

Perl language also has powerful community support and easy availability of developers.

Pros of Perl:

Perl language can easily amalgamate with applications that are running on legacy code.

There is the ease of testing and debugging in Perl language.

This language comes with advanced text processing and pattern-matching abilities.

Cons of Perl:

Perl language doesn’t support portability due to CPAN modules.

Programs run slowly and programs need to be elucidated each time when any changes are made.

10. Kotlin

Kotlin language originated in 2011 and is relatively hard to learn. Kotlin’s small and lessened runtime, vast community support, scalability help, simple learning curve, and interoperability with Java help to build and develop robust backends.

A pie chart displaying Kotlin language users. Originating in 2011, Kotlin is known for its scalability, simplicity, and Java interoperability

Static typing, object-oriented programming (OOP), lightweight, coroutines for concurrency, functional programming, and the capability to amalgamate with other frameworks such as Micronaut and Spring are able to make Kotlin the best for backend development.

Pros of Kotlin:

Compressed and eloquent syntax relatively lessens boilerplate code.

Provides functionality to existing classes with the help of extension functions without subclassing.

Cons of Kotlin:

Not a mature backend programming language such as Java.

Kotlin language is a bit slower.

Learning Kotlin can be hard for beginners.


These are some of the most popular and highly recommended back-end languages that are widely used today by every developer. You would agree that there is a bucket of variety, hence you can find a perfect language according to your requirements and needs in order to understand and learn it.

If you are just starting to learn a backend language, then you are suggested to start your career with easy languages like JavaScxript, Python, or Ruby.

Practising and learning these languages will provide you with the power and flexibility that you will need in order to develop most of the most complicated applications, either web apps, mobile apps, or desktop apps.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Which Language is Best For Backend Web Development in 2023?

Ans. The languages which are mentioned below are best for backend languages for web development:

» JavaScript


» Python

» Java


» Golang

» Kotlin

» Ruby

Q2. Which Programming Language is Popular in 2023?

Ans. A variety of languages are popular in 2023, but here we have mentioned some of the most popular ones.

» JavaScript

» Python

» Java

» C/C++

» C#


» Kotlin

» Swift

Q3. Which is the best backend language for web development?

Ans. Some most common backend programming language are PHP, .NET, Ruby, Python, and Java. These languages speedily run on frameworks that unravel the web development process.

Q4. What Back-end Language to Use For a PHP Website?

Ans. PHP is a backend development language only that belongs to the LAMP stack which stands for Apache, Linux, PHP/Perl/Python, and MySQL. In order to develop and build a web application with this technology stack, a software engineer should know four distinct syntax systems, as well as CSS and HTML.

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