10 Must-Have Skills To Become a Backend Developer in 2024


Pragya Chauhan

Aug 06, 2024

Seeing the demand for backend developers, are you also considering a career in backend development? Then, these 10 skills you must have!

The demand for skilled backend developers is increasing as businesses prioritize online presence and seamless digital experiences. These developers are the backbone of web applications, crafting the server-side logic that keeps everything running smoothly.

This translates to well-paying jobs at major tech companies. If you're also thinking about starting a career in backend development, here are the 10 essential skills you'll need to master.

But before we jump into the required skills, let’s briefly talk about what a backend developer really does:

Who is a Backend Developer?

Backend developers are like the backbone of web applications, working behind the scenes to ensure everything runs smoothly.

The features and functionalities of any application are decided by the server-side logic, which backend developers take care of.

Backend developers are responsible for several tasks, such as designing and managing databases, ensuring data organization, and storing and retaining data effectively.

They also develop APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that enable different software applications to communicate. Backend devs are responsible for implementing security measures to safeguard sensitive information.

Moreover, the daily tasks of a backend developer involve:

  • Understanding project requirements.
  • Designing back-end systems.
  • Writing code in languages like Python, Java, or Ruby.
  • Testing and debugging.
  • Deploying the code to production servers.
  • Continuously monitoring the system’s performance.

What Skills Are Required To Become a Backend Developer in 2024?

Below are the 10 most important skills that are required to be a successful backend developer today:

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1. Back-End Programming Language

When it comes to development, the programming languages play a key role. Therefore, you need to have a strong command of backend languages. A language allows backend developers to create a solid frame and server connectivity.

The desired results and functionalities will work only if you’ve mastered the best language for backend development. There are three primarily used languages for backend development:  Java, Python, and PHP.

  • Java: Java is one of the most robust programming languages, and it is used by many tech giants such as Google, Amazon, Facebook, etc. Many have been using Java programming language due to its portability and extreme performance. Today, it is used to create applications and dynamic websites with high functionality.
  • Python: Python is one of the most used backend programming languages to automate tasks, perform data analysis, build websites, and much more. It also supports various programming styles such as functions, Object-oriented, etc.
  • PHP: PHP is also one of the most widely used languages among backend developers today. PHP is used for more than 80% of websites today. It is a valuable language for the back end as it automates the tasks and eases the work of developers.

Read in Detail: Top 10 Popular Backend Languages For Web Development in 2024

2. Knowledge of Front-End Technology

While it’s not necessary to master front-end languages, having basic skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is required for a back-end developer role.

A developer needs to be able to give computers instructions for communicating and applying different algorithms. You need a solid understanding of primary languages if you are looking for perfect output via coding.

A back-end developer must have a command and in-depth knowledge of Jscript, which is the key component of front-end development.

For backend development, languages such as JavaScript, CSS, and HTML will work as a pillar while writing codes.

Javascript allows developers to add elements and animations on a webpage, which offers an engaging view for users, whereas CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) gives a style, colors, and layout, and HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the sole of the website, just like humans have the skeleton, websites have too, known as HTML.

3. Knowledge of Backend Frameworks

Once you decide whether you want to become a Python backend developer, a Java backend developer, or specialize in any other language, you will also need backend skills with the frameworks.

The framework is the backbone of the language of an application you’re working on. There are several frameworks that backend developers can use to create high-performance and flexible web apps. Here are some of the popular ones:

  • Spring Boot for Java: It is an open-source and free platform that supports backend coding in applications. It supports JavaScript and is one of the oldest and most popular frameworks.
  • Django for Python: Compatible with Python, it is an open-source and accessible platform that has gained popularity among developers. The best thing about Django is that it requires less code and power to create speedy app development.
  • Laravel for PHP: It is an open-source PHP web framework that uses the model-view-controller (MVC) architectural pattern. Laravel is used to create web applications using the model-view-controller (MVC) design concepts.

Recommended Read: Which Programming Language is Best for the Future?

4. Version Control System

Many also know the version control system as the source control, which is responsible for any modifications that have to be made occasionally.

The version control system tracks every single modification of code in a different database. This becomes more beneficial when a developer makes a mistake and wants to reserve it. It protects the source code from any such incidents.

Here are some of the most popular version control systems for backend developers:

  • AWS Code Commit: It is a version control system hosted by Amazon that allows developers to easily store and manage source code and other project data. It's a highly secure platform that uses Git repositories.
  • GitHub: An open-source community that encourages developers, founded in 2007. Because of its cloud availability, anyone from anywhere may read the code, and coders can collaborate and contribute as they see fit. Anyone may help anywhere with GitHub, and this site now has millions of users due to its popularity.
  • GitLab: It enables users to collaborate on a single platform and complete all tasks. GitLab shortens the time frame and enhances production. In other words, it allows teams to create flawless software with the use of a single communication channel.

5. Understanding of Databases

When you work on a custom web development project, you must understand that data storage is crucial as it has a large amount of information

Thus, having a good knowledge of the database is one of the must-have skills for backend developers.

The backend developer is responsible for creating a relational mapping to retrieve the data when required. Thus, to handle Database Management System DBMS, developers use MySQL, SQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, etc.

Related Read: What is the Best Database for Web Development?

6. Knowledge of API (Application Programming Interface)

APIs are like messengers that enable different applications to communicate with each other.

For instance, when you order food from Zomato through their mobile app, your phone communicates with Zomato's API to send your order request and receive information like restaurant details and delivery status.

As a backend developer, you will use these APIs to establish connections between different applications in order to improve user experience. Some well-known APIs among developers include JSON, SOAP, REST, GSON, etc.

7. Server Handling

As backend developers are responsible for all the actions behind the curtain, having a good command over handling the server is a must.

A server is like a cloud-based database that provides all the essential information and offers services such as file storage, database, and security to other systems connected to that network. Some of the best tools for server handling include Docker, Kubernetes, etc.

8. DSA (Data Structures and Algorithms)

A strong command DSA is also recommended to become a successful back-end developer. It is required for efficient management and proper retrieval of data to prevent any memory leakage.

DSA is also essential as it creates the base for modifying, organizing, and accessing data in programming.

Moreover, you must learn data structure and algorithms before becoming a back-end developer because it will help to optimize and make the code more efficient.

9. Problem-Solving

Python app development can be a tricky business to deal with; the person handling it must have strong problem-solving abilities to do the work smoothly.

A back-end developer is the backbone of any website as they are the leading problem solvers and keep a check on whether the website is working correctly or not.

If you want to become a backend developer, focus on enhancing your problem-solving skills as much as you can.

10. Communication Skills

Many of us ignore one crucial skill when discussing the required backend developer skills. Yes, it’s communication skills.

Communication is the baseline of this job because you must work with a team on multiple projects with fellow developers.

You must also discuss various ideas with clients, the manager, or your teammates. Therefore, you must be prepared with your communication skills as it will lead to successful collaborations and projects.

Must Read: Which is the Best Programming Language for Web Development?

What is the Difference Between Frontend Developer and Backend Developer

To better understand the role, responsibilities, and skills required to get high-paying back-end developer jobs, let’s look at the difference between front-end and back-end developers.

All web development projects require front-end and back-end developers. Front-end developers focus on the visual aspects of a website, the part that users see and interact with.

On the other hand, back-end developers or server-side developers focus on the site's structure, system, data, and logic. These two types of web developers collaborate and work together to create interactive, visually pleasing websites.

Both front-end and back-end developers need strong coding skills. Front-end developers, using technical, creative, and communication skills, bring the client side of a side to life.

Back-end developers use server-side programming languages and some of the crucial skills discussed above to ensure that applications work efficiently and securely.

The best thing about those thinking about becoming backend developers is that these developers remain in high demand for their technical expertise. According to March 2023 PayScale data, back-end developers earn $90,652 on average, while front-end developers make an average of $80,796.

How to Become a Backend Developer in 2024

The backend developer roadmap differs based on whether you want to become an in-house Java backend developer or a freelance backend developer specializing in another language.

However, here we’ve come with eight general steps that anyone can take to become a backend developer in 2024 and build a successful career.

  1. Invest in Learning, Training, and Education
  2. Become Proficient in a Programming Language
  3. Hone Your Skills
  4. Build Your Portfolio With Open-Source, Freelance, or Volunteer Projects
  5. Network with Experienced Developers
  6. Find a Mentor
  7. Pursue a Backend Development Internship
  8. Polish Your Resume, Prepare, and Start Applying For Job

Read Next: Web Developer Vs. Web Designer: The 6 Main Differences

Concluding Thoughts

By mastering the skills outlined in this article, you'll be well-equipped to launch a rewarding career as a backend developer. The demand for skilled developers is high, and with hard work and dedication, you can build a successful and lucrative path in this exciting field.

Common Questions About Backend Developer Skills

Q. How to become a backend developer in 2024?

Ans. You can become a backend developer in 2024 by learning a programming language like Python or Java.  Master database skills (SQL) and consider backend frameworks. Build a portfolio through projects and gain experience through internships or freelance work.

Q. What skills do I need to be a back-end developer?

Ans. Strong programming languages (Python, Java) are crucial. Also, database management with tools like SQL. Backend frameworks can be a plus.  Problem-solving and communication skills are key to working effectively.

Q. What are the roles and responsibilities of a backend developer?

Ans. Backend developers craft the server-side logic that keeps things running smoothly. This involves building and maintaining databases, handling user interactions, and ensuring data is processed efficiently.

Q. What is the future of backend developers?

Ans. The need for web applications is only growing. Backend developers will be crucial for building and maintaining them.  Expect a rise in cloud computing and DevOps skills.  New technologies will emerge, keeping backend development exciting and ever-evolving.

Q. Which backend language is best in 2025?

Ans. It’s difficult to tell one single best backend language in 2025 as Python, Java, and JavaScript (Node.js) are all popular and in demand.

Q. Will AI replace backend developers?

Ans. No, AI will not replace backend developers. While AI can automate tasks, backend developers are irreplaceable for design, problem-solving, and creative solutions.  In the future, AI might become a collaborator, freeing developers to focus on more strategic aspects.

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