How Much Does it Cost to Put an App on the App Store?


Varsha Ojha

Jan 04, 2024

How much does it cost to put an app on the app store is the first major concern that strikes the minds of numerous people around the world. You must know that the development of an app is just the beginning, not the end and you need to perform a lot of work after its creation.

Once the app is developed, the main thing is to deliver the app to your users where you publish the app on the App Store and the Google Play Store. The app publishing service provided by these stores is not free of cost, they charge a fee for the same.

In this blog, we are going to understand about cost of putting an app on the App Store in a seamless and concise way. Let’s begin!

What is the App Store?

An App Store is a digital portal for users with the help of which they are able to download and purchase mobile apps for businesses. The vision of developing an App Store came in 2008 when both Google Play Store and App Store were launched.

The reason behind its development was the rise of mobiles and tablets, and it has now been expanded to desktop operating systems and web browsers. Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox are the most renowned web browsers that have their own App Stores.

What is the App Store? | Arramton

The users download and install their web-based applications from these Web App Stores. The App Stores provides a group of commercial and free software that is approved earlier on users’ devices.

They can browse the software, purchase (when a commercial software), download and install, and update it with the help of the device’s App Store.

These apps will be developed in no time and published once you pay the fee to the App Store. All the major mobile operating system vendors, including Google, Microsoft, Blackberry, and Apple have their App Stores.

This provides them with the ability to handle and manage the apps that are available on their platforms. There are some third-party App Stores available digitally. For instance, the Amazon App Store for Android and Cydia for jailbroken iOS Apple devices.

How to Publish an App on the App Store?

If you want to publish an app on the App Store, then make sure to follow the below-mentioned steps carefully.

How to Publish an App on the App Store? | Arramton

» Collect all the information about the application.

» Generate a bundle identifier.

» Generate a certificate signing request.

» Generate an App Store production certificate.

» Generate a production provisioning profile.

» Create an App Store listing.

» Assemble the release build.

» Fill out the version information.

» Present the version for evaluation.

» At last, release the application on the App Store.

What is the Google Play Store?

The Google Play Store is an Android marketplace for applications, games, and digital content. It is used by all Android users in order to discover, download and install certain apps and entertainment.

What is the Google Play Store? | Arramton

The Google Play Store is the most extensive store for apps that promotes, distributes, and markets Android application development trends. As a result, you must learn how to release an Android application on the Google Play Store in order to get one step closer to your target audience.

They are considered the number one Play Store in the world which includes more than 3.5 million Android apps one can choose from. The below graph will help you understand this in a clearer way.

Considered the number one Play Store in the world | Arramton

How to Publish an App on the Google Play Store?

Well, when it comes to publishing an app on the Google Play Store, it requires the utmost attention. Make sure to follow the below-mentioned steps in a precise way in order to publish the app on the Google Play Store.

How to Publish an App on the Google Play Store? | Arramton

» Register as a developer.

» Create a profile for the payments centre.

» Develop a mobile application.

» Generate the store listing which includes the essential information about the products, languages and translations, graphic assets, contact information, classification, and privacy policy.

» Upload the Android package kit in order to publish the application.

» Represent the content rating.

» Generate the pricing and distribution systems.

» Publish the application on the Google Play Store.

Does it Cost Money to Put an App on the App Store?

Yes, it costs money to put an app on the App Store and Google Play Store. You need to pay the fees to the App Store as a cost to publish your application and to make it available for downloading and installation on the Apple App Store. You must know that Apple has high standards and strict guidelines and principles in order to maintain the habitat safe for its users and always deliver the best-quality and top-notch apps.

Once you publish the app on the App Store, you must know that app maintenance is another important factor that should be considered. As a result, it is also important to understand the cost of mobile app maintenance so that you don’t fall behind.

In order to develop an iOS application and release it on the App Store, you need to register as an Apple Developer. This account mainly costs %99 and should be renewed every year.

Cost of Publishing Apps on Play Store Vs App Store

Together with the cost of app development, you must know how much does it cost to put an app on the App Store. We have explained about the cost of publishing apps on both the App Store and Google Play Store.

With the help of the below graph, you will understand about the Global App Store and Google Play Store User Spending from 2018 to 2023. It has been estimated that this spending will be kept on increasing till 2027.

Global App Store and Google Play Store User Spending from 2018 to 2023 | Arramton

Make sure to read and understand about this concept in a seamless and easy way. The app publishing fees for the Apple App Store and Google Play Store are indicated below in a comprehensive manner.

Cost of Putting an App on the App Store?

Understanding the cost of uploading the app to the App Store is of utmost importance. Well, the cost of releasing the app on the Apple App Store is $99 which you need to pay as a fee to the App Store on a yearly basis.

There is a practical and significant publishing timeline for the application as well which is as follows:

» 24 hours to review the app.

» After receiving the approval, the app will be published on the Apple App Store.

Cost of Putting an App on the Google Play Store?

Play Store is considered the world’s number one relying platform for Android users when they want to download or install apps and games. Google has more than 10 billion downloads.

In the Google Play Store, the available applications are placed at 2.65 million applications which is elevated from 1.25 million applications in July 2013. Well, the cost of releasing the app on the Google Play Store is $25 which you need to pay as a fee to the Play Store only one time.

There is a practical and significant publishing timeline for the application as well which is as follows:

» 2 to 3 days to review the app.

» After receiving the approval, the app will be published on the Google App Store within 7 days.

How do Google Play Store and App Store Make Money?

App Stores generally charge a 30% commission for in-app purchases within your application. Particularly, App Store revenue comes from commissions on the following:-

» In-app purchases.

» Subscriptions.

» Downloading paid apps.

Well, here, in-app purchases, i.e., IAP include all the transactions that have been performed within the application such as booking a room in a hotel app or ordering food in a food delivery app.

It incorporates only online goods and not material goods and if you use advertisement as your app monetization technique, then App Stores doesn’t charge you for that.

Final Thoughts

Well, releasing your app on either platform be it Google Play Store or Apple App Store is an exciting moment for each and everyone in the company, so it is important to know how to do it and what is the cost of publishing it.

We hope that we were able to make your concepts clear on how much does it cost to put an app on the App Store. This blog has thoroughly illustrated all that you need to know regarding publishing apps on the App Store.

However, if you need additional information and guidance regarding this concept, feel free to connect with us through our free consultation service.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How much does it cost to get an app on the App Store?

Ans. If you want to submit applications on the App Store, you will be required to enrol in the Apple Developer program. Well, the cost of the account is $99 on a yearly basis. Apart from the availability to publish the application, you will get access to certain benefits and advantages such as access to the beta version of the Apple software or testing tools such as TestFlight.

Q2. How much does it cost to make a store app?

Ans. A retail application generally costs $80,000 in order to get developed. Nevertheless, the total cost can range from $10,000 to $150,000. A retail app with a low number of features will have a more affordable and reasonable price than those applications that include all the functionalities that are expected.

Q3. How do apps make money?

Ans. Several apps earn revenue by displaying banner ads at the top of the screen that reward the users with some points for watching a video commercial, or even permit a third-party ad network in order to gather the user data for analytics or future marketing campaigns.

Q4. Is it free to upload an app to the App Store?

Ans. No, it is not free to upload the app on the App Store. Users are required to pay the fees to the App Store for publishing their applications, in order to make them available for downloading and installation on the Apple App Store.

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