How AI in Marketing is Transforming the Game: Boost Engagement, Personalization, and More


Pragya Chauhan

Mar 22, 2024

A recent study by Price Waterhouse Coopers (PwC) predicts that by 2030, AI will contribute over USD 15 trillion to the global economy, with local economies experiencing potential growth of up to 26%.

This exponential rise underscores the immense potential of AI within the marketing sphere.

Here in this blog post, we are going to delve into AI in marketing. We'll explore key definitions, benefits, and potential drawbacks of AI integration, showcase real-world use cases, and finally, provide a step-by-step guide to incorporating AI into your next marketing campaign.

What is AI marketing?

AI marketing is the process of using artificial intelligence technologies to make automated critical marketing decisions based on data collection, data analysis, and additional observations of audience or economic trends that may impact marketing efforts.

Today, businesses are using AI technologies more widely than ever to generate content, improve customer experience, and deliver more accurate results.

AI in Marketing Statistics

Marketing teams are using AI for different purposes today, from ad targeting to personalization. Here are some key marketing AI statistics:

  • According to Statista, In 2021, the market for AI in marketing was estimated at 15.84 billion U.S. dollars. The source estimated that the value would increase to more than 107.5 billion by 2028.

  • The source suggests that 90% of marketers in 35 countries used AI tools to automate customer interactions.
  • 88% of marketers working with AI say that the technology has assisted them in personalizing the customer journey across different platforms.
  • More than 80% of marketers worldwide use some form of AI in their online marketing practices.
  • 53% of marketers worldwide use AI for data analysis.
  • 50% of marketers worldwide are already using AI for their marketing strategies.
  • 47% of marketers in the U.S., U.K., India, and Canada say they trusted AI with ad targeting.
  • Nearly 45% of marketing executives worldwide use AI for content creation.
  • 43% of B2B marketers in the U.S. said that chatbots helped them educate their prospects.
  • 42% of marketing professional respondents in the U.S., U.K., India, and Canada choose AI to personalize content and offers in real-time, while 39% trusted AI to optimize email send-time.
  • 34.5% of marketer respondents reported ChatGPT is one of their AI tools, making it the most-reported tool among our respondents.

AI in Marketing Use Cases

The potential of AI in marketing extends far beyond mere automation. Businesses from different industries strategically use artificial intelligence to achieve their outcomes. Here are some captivating use cases across various marketing activities.

Social Media Marketing

Using AI for marketing, organizations leverage smart algorithms to evaluate huge datasets, allowing them to curate personalized content, target the audience, and promote customer engagement.

AI-based marketing transforms social media by decoding trends, user behavior, and sentiments on a larger scale.

Companies embrace AI and improve their social media game by using sentiment analysis chatbots, and other AI tools and techniques.

Advertising and Campaign

AI’s impact on marketing is seen where businesses position advertising and campaign management to new heights with AI-generated advertising and leveraging predictive analysis and machine learning algorithms.

Companies strategically target the audience, optimize ads, and track performance metrics, ensuring efficient resource allocation and improved ROI.

Market Research and Analysis

One of the best AI in marketing solutions, AI-driven analytics allows companies to gain important insights into customer preferences, competitive landscapes, and the latest marketing trends.

AI-powered marketing enhances market research by seamlessly processing extensive data. AI-driven analytics enables companies to make informed decisions.

Product Suggestions and Chatbots

AI-powered product and service recommendations allow personalization to take a prominent position. Businesses evaluate customers’ purchase history, preferences, and behavior to offer tailored suggestions, thus improving sales.

Chatbots, one of the best AI use cases in marketing help businesses transform customer services by facilitating instant responses and answering queries.

Content Creation and Personalization

Businesses leverage AI-automated tools to study user interactions, enabling real-time content tailoring to meet individual user expectations. Delivering customized content helps companies foster stronger customer relationships and nourish brand loyalty.

AI digital marketing makes it easy for companies to create strategic alignment with content and consumers, boosting user experience in the competitive digital marketing landscape.

The Benefits and Challenges of Using AI in Marketing

Similarly, like other new technologies, there are both benefits and challenges of using AI for Marketing purposes.

From handling the quality of the large data sets to train AI to comply with the field’s ever-expanding privacy laws, businesses that haven’t used AI before are understandably cautious.

However, businesses that have made the investment and identified an AI marketing solution tailored to their needs are enjoying many advantages.

Benefits of using AI in Marketing

1. Faster and smarter decision-making

Marketing teams using top AI trends and tools can see the impact of their marketing efforts in near real-time and adjust their tactics accordingly.

These AI marketing tools can create marketing strategies and analyze data faster than humans using ML algorithms and recommend actions informed by sentiment analysis from historical customer data.

2. Improved ROI on Marketing initiatives

AI tools for marketing can help marketers identify actionable insights from data generated by a campaign in near real-time. In fact, the same tools can help identify the right platforms for a media buy and even the optimal placement of an ad based on custom behavior.

Advanced AI marketing solutions help stakeholders ensure that they are getting the most out of their investment in a campaign.

3. More Accurate Measurement of KPIs

Digital campaigns create more data than people can handle, making it harder to measure the effectiveness of marketing endeavors.

AI-enhanced dashboards allow marketers to link the success of their efforts to specific methods they've implemented, enabling them to better understand what's working and what may be improved.

4. Improved Customer Relationship Management (CRM) capabilities

AI solutions for marketing help professionals improve their customer relationship management (CRM) programs by automating routine tasks like the preparation of customer data.

They can also reduce the likelihood of human error and generative AI in marketing, they can deliver more personalized customer messages.

5. More Meaningful Insights from Customer Data

Many marketers nowadays are overwhelmed by the amount of data accessible to them when developing a campaign. AI can help by providing predictive analytics on customer data, assessing large amounts in seconds with fast, efficient machine learning (ML) algorithms.

It analyzes data to generate insights into future customer behavior, recommend more personalized content, and identify trends in massive data sets for marketers to act on.

Challenges of using AI in Marketing

1. Training AI solutions

Just like humans, AI requires a large amount of training to learn a new task. For instance, if you want an AI solution that will talk to your customers in an engaging way, you’ll need to invest the time and resources necessary to teach it.

To build an AI application like this, you will need a large amount of data about customers’ preferences plus, data scientists who specialize in this kind of training.

2. Ensuring the quality and accuracy of data

AI solutions are only as capable as the quality of the data they are trained on. Despite how technically advanced a tool is, if the data it’s been trained on isn’t accurate and representative, the answers and decisions it generates will be low quality and ineffective.

3. Complying with privacy laws

Because AI is trained on personal customer information, the laws surrounding what can be used must be strictly followed. Companies who deploy AI for marketing purposes need to be able to adhere to consumer data regulations or they risk incurring heavy fines and reputational damage.

How to Use AI in Marketing

Now that you have the overview of AI for marketing, including its benefits and challenges you might face, the next step is to know how a business can incorporate AI into its next marketing strategy.

Here are four simple steps to get you started:

Step 1: Establish goals

The first step in using AI in a marketing campaign is to establish goals and expectations. Assess what worked and what didn't in previous efforts, and detail how you expect AI will help you enhance your outcomes in the future.

Once stakeholders' expectations are matched, it will be easier to select an AI solution and establish relevant key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate its success.

Step 2: Acquire the right talent

Data scientists or engineers with backgrounds in AI, machine learning, and deep learning are rarely found on marketing teams, yet their knowledge is critical for effective AI marketing campaigns.

To overcome this issue, firms have two options: either invest in hiring the necessary data scientists and engineers or pay a third-party vendor to train and maintain their AI marketing tool.

Both approaches have advantages and downsides, mostly related to the amount of commitment a business is willing to undertake.

Step 3: Follow data privacy laws

One of the biggest challenges of using AI marketing solutions is the use of customer data for training and implementation purposes without violating privacy laws.

Throughout the training process, companies must find ways to maintain their customers’ security and privacy or face heavy fines.

Step 4: Test the quality of the data

The success of an AI marketing tool heavily depends on the accuracy and relevancy of the data it’s trained on.

AI tools that are trained on data that doesn’t accurately reflect customer intentions will eventually fail to provide useful insights into customer behavior or make useful strategic recommendations.

By prioritizing the quality of their data, organizations can make sure that their AI solutions will help them better achieve the outcomes they seek for their marketing programs.

Step 5: Choose the solution that’s right for you

Businesses selecting an AI in marketing solutions have many different platforms and capabilities to choose from.

If they’ve followed the first four steps property—laying out their goals, hiring the right talent, and ensuring the quality and accuracy of their data—the last step should be the most straightforward: Choosing the tool or building a marketing strategy that’s right for them.

AI in Marketing Examples: Highlighting Cutting-Edge Innovations

Here are some top industry players who are leveraging AI for marketing and experience profitability by taking their businesses to the next level.

Sephora’s AI chatbot-powered shopping solution

Understanding the power of AI in marketing early on, one of the top cosmetics brands Sephora has been using chatbot technology to offer its audience the most personalized, informational customer experience possible.

After conducting user research, the brand noticed that many customers were overwhelmed by Sephora’s extensive choice of products, having to browse through a host of pages to find something suitable in certain categories.

In response to this, Sephora launched an interactive quiz to assist its users through the shopping process, led by chatbots that provide tailored tips and suggestions based on specific answers or responses.

Due to the success of the initiative, the makeup brand now offers its very own chatbot-powered shopping service via Facebook Messenger as it continues going from strength to strength.

Due to the success of the initiative, the makeup brand now offers its very own chatbot-powered shopping service via Facebook Messenger as it continues going from strength to strength.

BuzzFeed strategically implemented AI for content creation

BuzzFeed which is a renowned news and entertainment company, strategically implemented generative AI for content creation without the intention of replacing human writers.

By utilizing tools from OpenAI, the platform uses generative AI and aims to deliver personalized content at scale, leveraging automation and artificial intelligence.

Moreover, by incorporating AI into the quiz experience, brainstorming sessions, and content personalization, BuzzFeed is enhancing  user engagement and providing tailored experiences through collaborative efforts between human writers and their AI creative assistant, “Buzzy the Robot.”

Netflix’s AI-centric user content suggestion tool

Netflix, the world’s leading subscription video-on-demand over-the-top streaming service, needs little introduction. But, not many people know that it’s possible to attribute a great deal of the unstoppable success of Netflix to its cutting-edge approach to AI in Marketing.

User experience (UX) is paramount to the ongoing success of any business, regardless of its industry – and when a customer has a positive experience with a brand they're likely to share it with their friends online.

To enhance its overall UX and tailor its service to the individual user, Netflix leverages AI-driven machine learning technology to provide personalized content recommendations based on a user’s preferences in addition to what they’ve enjoyed in the past.

In addition, Netflix uses AI development to automatically optimize streaming quality and avoid any quality or buffering problems.

In fact, over 80% of the shows people watch on Netflix are now based on its personal recommendations platform which demonstrates its power in a time where people demand more value than ever from the brands they’re willing to invest in.

Future of AI in Marketing

AI is all set to play an even more important role in the field of marketing in the upcoming years. From increased personalization to advanced data analytics and predictive marketing, AI-based solutions will allow marketers to create more effective campaigns and provide personalized experiences to their customers.

As AI in Marketing continues to evolve, it will be exciting to see how it transforms the field and helps companies connect with their customers in new and innovative ways.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is the future of marketing with artificial intelligence?

Ans. In the future, marketing with AI or AI-driven marketing can evaluate vast amounts of data, design strategies, and forecast upcoming trends with precision. As a result, businesses can automate repetitive tasks of marketing operations, improve their campaigns in real time, and make better judgments about where to allocate marketing budgets.

Q. How AI is changing the marketing industry?

Ans. The marketing industry is experiencing a significant shift due to the powerful capabilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Beyond enabling consumer insight generation, AI is able to identify, capture, and predict future business trends. By studying and analyzing social media content, AI can generate more accurate predictions of consumers' tastes, preferences, and needs, and how these indexes may change in the future.

Q. What is the scope of AI in marketing?

Ans. The scope of AI in marketing is vast and ever-expanding, as it is rapidly changing the scope of digital marketing. AI-powered tools and platforms are helping marketing teams automate tasks, personalize their campaigns, and gain deeper insights into their customers.

Q. Can AI take over marketing?

Ans. While AI may replace a number of mundane marketing jobs, it is highly unlikely that it will take over marketing themselves. Marketing is all about creativity, empathy, and understanding human behavior. A successful marketing strategy needs originality and a creative spark that AI lacks and only humans can possess.

Q. How do I use AI tools to market my business?

Ans. By following the below-given steps, you can effectively use AI tools to market your business:

1. Know your goals (brand awareness, sales, leads) & target audience.

2. Pick the right AI tool:

  • Personalization (CRM/marketing automation)
  • Content creation (writing assistants)
  • Data & insights (marketing analytics)
  • Social media (schedulers)
  • Chatbots (24/7 support & data

3. Use AI wisely: Enhance creativity, start small, and track results.

4. Be ethical: Transparency & avoid bias in AI use

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