Responsible AI: What is it and Why Do We Need it?


Pragya Chauhan

Dec 09, 2023

Accenture's 2022 Tech Vision research revealed that only 35% of global consumers trust how organizations implement AI. Artificial intelligence (AI) may conjure up images of growth and productivity in the minds of some. On the other hand, many legitimate issues exist, including biased choices, lack of privacy and security, lack of transparency, and labor replacement.

Several of these difficulties are specific to AI, which makes it worse. It suggests that present policies and legislation are not effective in dealing with them. This is where the word Responsible AI comes in. The objective of Responsible AI is to address these difficulties and make AI systems more accountable.

Responsible AI is a governance framework that outlines how a specific company is tackling the ethical and legal issues around AI. In this blog, we will cover everything about Responsible AI from its meaning and benefits to potential challenges and successful use cases of Responsible AI.

What is Responsible AI?

Responsible AI refers to the practice of designing, developing, and deploying AI with good intention to businesses and fairly impacting customers and society, which allow companies to engender trust and scale AI with confidence. It aims that AI systems should be operated to uphold human values, respect human rights, and avoid harmful consequences.

Responsible AI involves addressing potential biases, discrimination, privacy breaches, and other negative impacts that an AI system might inadvertently create. It also ensures fairness, transparency, and accountability in AI algorithms and decision-making processes.

It recognizes the need to balance technological advancement and the well-being of individuals and society. Responsible AI ensures that AI benefits humanity without compromising ethical principles. For this, it calls for a proactive approach to identifying and mitigating potential risks and fostering collaboration among stakeholders.

Why Do We Need Responsible AI?

Responsible AI primarily encompasses a set of guidelines and standards that promote the ethical and sustainable creation of AI technologies. These technologies serve to ensure that AI systems benefit society while minimizing potential harm. So when Responsible AI is done correctly, it provides a lot of benefits.

Improves The Quality of AI System

The quality of output generated by AI is often better when an AI system is unbiased. And when it is created transparently, its results can only continue to get better.

he quality of output generated by AI is often better when an AI system is unbiased | Arramton

For example, if your company implements explainability into its hiring algorithm to tell interested applicants why the model decided against them, your company now also understands why the algorithm made that decision, In simple words, it can make the required changes and adjustments to ensure that algorithm is as fair as it can be.

More Privacy & Security

Responsible AI helps companies to ensure that they stay within the bounds of the law when it comes to the collection, storage, and usage of data. With human rights organizations, politicians, and tech innovators calling for even more detailed AI regulations and guidelines, it seems that there are likely more laws to come.

The EU recently published a bill that would give private citizens and businesses the right to sue for financial damages if they were harmed by an AI product, holding developers legally responsible for their AI models.

In 2022, the Biden administration in the US announced an AI Bill of Rights, sounding the alarm for potentially more federal oversight over the development of AI systems in the future.

Builds a Good Brand Reputation

Responsible AI can do wonders for companies if their brand’s reputation is tied with words such as transparent, ethical, and responsible. Those words increase trust among users, investors, and employees.

Being responsible is particularly important in a world full of AI-related scams. Companies like Meta have been hit with massive amounts of fines for violating data privacy laws around the world.

Also, tech giants like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft have caught public attention for developing AI models shown to be racist and sexist. Today, users are demanding more transparent and equitable AI products, and companies are following suit.

A Good Solution for Society

AI made and used responsibly could be good for society as well. With only one click of a button, AI can facilitate efficiency, augmentation, and adaption. And while that superpower can have a heavy social impact, it can also be controlled to do some real good in the world.

Responsible AI aims to empower workers and companies with the help of developing and deploying AI with good intentions so that it can impact users and society. So, if done right, AI can solve some of society’s problems, instead of just magnifying them.

Aim of Responsible AI

The primary aim of Responsible AI is to ensure that AI systems operate to uphold human values, respect human rights, and avoid harmful consequences.The technology can be misused inadvertently or purposefully for a variety of reasons and much of the misuse is driven by bias in the data used to train AI systems.

For instance, AI systems can make decisions that discriminate against specific groups of people. This bias comes from bias that has been used to train AI models. Generally, the more interpretable a model the easier it is to ensure fairness and correct any bias.

Aim of Responsible AI | Arramton

Safety and security is the other part where Responsible AI focuses. We know, that this is not a new concept in software development and is addressed by methods like encryption and other software tests.

The difference is that AI systems are not deterministic, unlike general computer systems.When they face new scenarios, they can make unexpected decisions. The AI system can be even manipulated to make incorrect decisions.

This safety concern can result in a serious outcome when we are dealing with robots, for example, if they make errors, things like self-driving cars can cause injury or death.

In simple words, what this all suggests is trust. If users do not trust AI system they will never use it. They will not trust systems that use information they are not comfortable sharing or they think that it will make biased decisions. Users certainly will not use it if they know that it will cause them physical harm.

Responsible AI aims to ensure fairness, transparency, accountability, and privacy throughout the AI lifecycle. By adopting Responsible AI practices, we can mitigate unintended consequences and develop AI systems that benefit society as a whole.

Let’s have a look at a few more benefits of Responsible AI:

Benefits of Responsible AI

The following are the main Responsible AI Benefits:

AI Transparency and Democratization

Responsible AI improves the transparency and explainability of models. This builds and promotes trust among companies and customers. It also enables the democratization of AI for both users and enterprises.

Minimising Bias

As we have discussed earlier, AI can produce biased results, and implementing Responsible AI can make sure that AI models, algorithms, and underlying data for building AI systems are unbiased. From an ethical point of view, it can minimize the harm to the users that otherwise can be affected due to a biased AI system.

Creating Opportunities

Responsible AI encourages users and developers to raise doubts and concerns about AI systems and create new opportunities to produce and develop ethically right AI solutions.

Privacy Protection

Responsible AI focuses on the premise of privacy and security of data to ensure that personal or sensitive data can never be used in any unethical and irresponsible activity.

Risk Mitigation

By outlining ethical and legal boundaries for AI systems, Responsible AI can mitigate risk. Stakeholders, employees as well and society can benefit from it.

Custom Software Solution that is powered by Resposible AI Principles | Arramton

How to Implement Responsible AI?

Implementing a Responsible AI requires a systematic and comprehensive process, starting with education. From the C-suite to the HR department everyone in the organization needs to understand the basics of how AI works, and how their company uses it.

Companies also should have a clear vision of how they want to approach AI responsibly, outlining their principles to guide how AI will be created and implemented.

These policies should address any ethical considerations, data privacy concerns, transparency approaches, and accountability measures, all of which align with relevant legal and regulatory requirements as well as the companies’s values and objectives.

Responsible AI Principles

For now, the implementation of any type of Responsible AI is up to the ability of the data scientists and developers who develop it. As a result, the steps required to prevent discrimination, foster transparency, ensure compliance, and instill accountability vary from company to company.

Responsible AI Principles for business solution | Arramton

There are some guiding principles that companies can follow when they implement responsible AI:


AI systems should offer transparency in their operations and decision-making processes. So, the users can clearly understand how AI algorithms work. Also, organizations should disclose the sources of data and the reasoning behind AI-driven decisions.

Privacy and Data Security

AI solutions should respect the privacy rights of individuals and should follow data protection regulations. The data should be measured in place to safeguard sensitive information as well and the data collection and usage should be transparent and conducted with consent.


Organizations and developers should be responsible for the behavior of their AI systems. This involves mechanisms for addressing errors, rectifying unintended consequences, and providing avenues for redress in case of adverse impacts.

Human Oversight

As AI systems can automate multiple tasks, human oversight should be maintained, primarily in critical decision-making processes. People should retain the authority to intervene and override AI systems when necessary.


AI developers should create AI systems that positively impact society, taking into account both short-term and long-term consequences. AI technologies should only be developed to enhance human well-being and avoid any kind of harm.

Societal Impacts

The benefits and risks of AI systems should be assessed to ensure that AI aligns with broader societal goals. It should consider the broader societal goals and potential consequences for different groups.


Stakeholders, including AI developers, policymakers, and the broader community should collaborate to establish guidelines and regulations for Responsible AI development and deployment.

What are the Responsible AI Adoption Challenges?

Adopting Responsible AI in business can be a promising journey with great rewards, but some challenges demand careful consideration and proactive solutions.

Lack of Understanding

Many people fear about AI systems due to a lack of transparency and understanding. Companies can fill this gap by demystifying AI systems and showcasing their benefits.

For example, a healthcare provider can create educational content explaining how AI-enabled diagnostic systems help doctors accurately identify diseases.

With proper understanding by the companies, illustrating the role of human expertise in making final decisions, and addressing common misconceptions about AI, trust in AI models can be built.

Ethical Considerations

As we have discussed earlier AI models can be biased based on their training. AI systems are not infallible and can perpetuate biases and invade privacy. Companies must prioritize transparency and accountability to ensure ethical AI practices.

For instance, a recruitment platform using an AI algorithm should regularly audit the decision-making process to evaluate potential biases in candidate selection.

Further, involving stakeholders, employees, and AI experts during AI development helps mitigate ethical concerns by bringing in different perspectives.

Data Privacy & Security

AI is built with data and its quality and security are important. Companies should ensure that data used for AI training is accurate, diverse, and free from any biases.  Robust measures such as encryption, access controls, and regular data audits should be implemented to maintain data security.

For example, a financial firm can anonymize user data and strictly control access to ensure privacy and prevent unauthorized use. By focusing on data governance and security, companies can build confidence in AI systems.

Workforce Impact

In recent years, due to the growth in AI, one of the significant concerns is the fear of AI replacing human jobs. But, it is important to note that AI can also augment human capabilities and create new jobs.

Organizations should focus on upskilling their employees to work alongside AI models. For example, a manufacturing company can offer training programs to equip employees with skills in AI-assisted automation and maintenance, enabling them to work effectively with AI-driven systems.

Regulatory Challenges

The rapid advancement in AI often outpaces regulatory frameworks, creating uncertainty and doubts. To address concerns like privacy, transparency, and accountability Governments and regulatory bodies should establish clear guidelines.

For example, implementing laws that require companies to disclose the use of AI models in decision-making can enhance transparency and help customers understand the impact of AI on their lives.

Successful Use Cases of Responsible AI

Here are some examples of companies and brands that have implemented Responsible AI principles and how it has helped them:

1. Microsoft

Microsoft has developed its framework for Responsible AI governance by using the AETHER Committee and Office of Responsible AI (ORA) groups

To promote and defend the Responsible AI ideals that they have established, these two groups collaborate inside Microsoft.

Microsoft has developed its framework for Responsible AI governance  | Arramton

ORA sets company-wide norms for Responsible AI by implementing governance and public policy. Microsoft has put in place a guideline with a set of rules, criteria, and templates for ethical AI development.

Here are a few points:

» Rules for interaction between humans and artificial intelligence

» Guidelines for conversational AI systems

» Checklists for justice in artificial intelligence

» Datasheet template docs

» Advice on AI safety engineering

2. Facebook

Facebook uses AI algorithms for content moderation to detect and remove harmful or inappropriate content from its platform. Responsible AI plays an important role in protecting user safety by detecting offensive content, hate posts, and any kind of graphic content.

Facebook uses AI algorithms for content moderation to detect and remove harmful or inappropriate content from its platform. | Arramton

With this approach, Facebook maintains a safer online environment for millions of its users while respecting community guidelines.

3. IBM

IBM Watson for Oncology is an AI-powered platform that helps oncologists in creating treatment recommendations for cancer patients.

IBM Watson for Oncology is an AI-powered platform that helps oncologists in creating treatment recommendations for cancer patients. | Arramton

It examines vast amounts of medical literature, clinical trial data, and patient records to recommend personalized treatment options.

As a result, Watson for Oncology increases doctors’ decision-making process, leading to well-informed and precise treatment plans for patients, which has improved patient care, and potentially better results.

Future of Responsible AI

Today, when it comes to AI systems, companies are expected to self-regulate. This means they must build and implement their own Responsible AI guidelines.

Big companies such as Microsoft, Google, and IBM all have their guidelines, but one issue with this is that the principle of Responsible AI may be applied inconsistently across industries. Smaller companies might not even have the required resources to create their own.

If all the companies adopt the same guidelines, then it would be a potential solution. For example, the European Commission recently released the Ethics guidelines for trustworthy AI. In this guideline, there are 7 key requirements that AI should have to be considered as a trustworthy AI.

Further, the future of responsible AI lies in striking a balance between innovation and regulation. As AI continues to evolve at a fast speed, it is critical to monitor and regulate its implementation to prevent potential harm.

By embracing responsible AI, we can unlock the full potential of this transformative technology while mitigating risks and creating a brighter future for us.

Implementing Resposible AI For Your Business | Arramton


In short, in a world where AI’s capabilities are rapidly advancing, not only companies but we also are responsible for ensuring its ethical and beneficial use. As we have uncovered the key principles, benefits, approaches, and successful cases of implemented Responsible AI, one thing is certain, the potential benefits of AI are enormous but so are the risks.

By striving for fairness, adopting ethical considerations, and upholding transparency, companies can build AI systems that contribute positively to society. Lastly, it’s a collective effort that requires collaboration between researchers, developers, regulators, and users.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How we can ensure AI is used responsibly?

Ans. Ensuring responsible AI use involves transparent algorithms, unbiased and diverse data, human oversight, and compliance with ethical guidelines to mitigate potential risks.

Q2. How we can overcome the negative impact of AI?

Ans.Overcoming negative AI impact requires regular monitoring, robust testing, addressing biases, involving domain experts, and adopting a collaborative approach to anticipate and mitigate unintended consequences.

Q3. How to prevent the unethical use of AI?

Ans.Unethical AI use can be prevented through guidelines, strict regulations, and oversight by companies, policymakers, and AI developers. Ethical considerations should be prioritized to avoid any kind of harm and discrimination.

Q4. What is the dark side of AI?

Ans. The dark sides of AI include biased decision-making, job displacement, deepfake manipulation, privacy breaches, and unintended consequences due to unchecked algorithms. Responsible AI practices focus on addressing these challenges.

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