Which Business Case is Better Solved by Artificial Intelligence?


Pragya Chauhan

Aug 29, 2024

In today's competitive world, businesses are continuously looking for new ways to improve processes and gain a strategic advantage.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool for industry transformation and rethinking what is possible. ChatGPT, Alexa, Google Home, and Self-driving Cars are the most common AI applications.

However, with AI's immense potential comes a critical question: which business case is better solved by artificial intelligence?

This article discusses several strategic applications of artificial intelligence in business. We'll look at the specific challenges where AI thrives, comparing its capabilities to traditional approaches.

By reviewing multiple scenarios, we'll discover the business cases where AI can have the greatest impact, ultimately helping you in leveraging this technology for maximum benefits.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a technology capable of performing tasks that historically required human intelligence, such as making decisions, writing letters, and identifying patterns.

AI includes various technologies like machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing (NLP).

AI systems learn to do so by processing massive amounts of data and looking for patterns to model in their decision-making.

In many cases, humans will supervise an AI’s learning process, reinforcing good decisions and discouraging bad ones, but some AI systems are designed to learn without supervision.

Over time, AI systems improve their performance of specific tasks, allowing them to adapt to new inputs and make decisions without being explicitly programmed.

In essence, the goal of artificial intelligence is to teach machines to think and learn like humans, automate work, and solve problems more efficiently.

Now that you know what artificial intelligence is, it’s time to move forward and answer which business case is better solved by artificial intelligence.

Which Business Case is Better Solved by AI?

The following are some business cases that can be better solved by artificial intelligence:

Which Business Case is Better Solved by AI?

Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics is a testament to how AI can profoundly impact business intelligence.

By leveraging machine learning algorithms, AI transcends the limitations of human analysis, providing detailed insights about market trends, consumer behavior, and economic shifts.

This prediction accuracy is critical in sectors like retail and finance, where understanding future trends can significantly impact strategic decisions.

For example, AI-driven analytics have helped retail companies optimize stock levels and craft product offerings, leading to improved customer satisfaction and increased profitability.

AI development services can help businesses harness the power of predictive analytics, enabling them to make data-driven decisions and gain a competitive edge.

Customer Service Optimization

When it comes to customer service, AI chatbots have changed how businesses interact with their customers.

Unlike traditional customer support systems, AI-powered assistant app can provide instant, 24/7 customer assistance and adapt responses based on customer behavior and preferences.

This improves customer experience and reduces the operational costs associated with human support.

The AI chatbots’ ability to learn from interactions and provide personalized service positions them far ahead of traditional customer service models, making this one of the top business cases that can be better solved by artificial intelligence.

Fraud Detection and Prevention in Finance

The financial sector has accepted AI for its unparalleled efficiency in detecting and preventing fraud.

AI applications can analyze vast amounts of transactional data to identify patterns indicative of fraudulent activities, a feat nearly impossible for traditional programming due to the sheer volume and complexity of the data.

With AI-driven fraud detection tools, many major financial institutions have reported significant reductions in fraudulent transactions, underscoring AI’s superiority in this domain.

Read in Detail: How Artificial Intelligence is Helping the Finance Sector?

AI-Driven Supply Chain Management

IT has transformed supply chain management, offering high levels of efficiency unachievable by conventional methods.

AI predictive analytics provides real-time insights into supply and demand, allowing businesses to optimize inventory management and reduce wastage.

AI’s ability to analyze global trends and logistical data also aids in making strategic decisions regarding distribution and resource allocation.

Companies using AI in their supply chain management have seen a marked improvement in operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Healthcare Diagnostics

AI has significantly impacted healthcare, particularly in diagnostics and personalized medication, which makes it one of the business cases that can be better solved by AI.

AI systems critically evaluate medical data, assisting in early disease detection and treatment planning.

This level of precision contrasts sharply with traditional diagnostic procedures, which are susceptible to human error and unpredictability.

AI's contribution to healthcare improves patient outcomes and paves the way for advances in medical research and treatment methods.

Automated Marketing and Personalized Advertising

AI has reshaped marketing techniques by offering personalized advertising. By evaluating client data, AI can adapt marketing messages to individual preferences, enhancing engagement and conversion rates.

This level of personalization represents a considerable departure from typical marketing strategies, which frequently rely on broad, generic campaigns.

AI-powered automated marketing ensures that organizations send the correct message to the right audience at the right time, hence increasing the effectiveness of their marketing efforts.

Predictive Maintenance and Quality Control in Manufacturing

When it comes to which business case is better solved by artificial intelligence, how can we avoid discussing predictive maintenance and quality control in the manufacturing sector?

In manufacturing, artificial intelligence improves both predictive maintenance and quality control. AI programs anticipate equipment problems, allowing for timely repair and minimizing downtime.

In terms of quality control, AI's capacity to assess items with high precision provides constant quality while decreasing the margin of error associated with physical inspection.

These AI applications in manufacturing boost productivity while also considerably lowering operational expenses.

Automate Coding and App Modernization

Leading mobile app development companies like Arramton Infoetch are now adopting generative AI to modernize applications and automate enterprise IT activities such as coding, deployment, and scalability.

Developers can enter a coding command as a simple English statement into a natural-language interface and receive automatically generated code.

Using generative AI with code generation capabilities can also help hybrid cloud developers of all skill levels move and update legacy application code at scale to new target platforms with code consistency, fewer mistakes, and faster performance.

Revolutionizing Content Creation

Artificial intelligence's Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities have transformed content generation and language interpretation.

Unlike traditional programming, which struggles to understand the intricacies of human language, AI can comprehend and generate text with great sophistication.

This capability brings up new opportunities in content generation, ranging from automated news reporting to tailored content curating.

NLP also improves how users engage with technology, making digital experiences more intuitive and human-centered.

Proactive Threat Detection in Cybersecurity

AI’s proactive approach to threat detection offers a significant advantage in the cybersecurity industry.

By continuously learning and adapting to new cyber threats, AI applications provide a dynamic defence mechanism that traditional programming cannot match.

AI’s predictive capabilities allow businesses to stay ahead of cybercriminals ensuring robust and up-to-date security protocols.

Decision-Making and Strategic Planning

When discussing which business case is better solved by artificial intelligence, AI’s contribution to decision-making and strategic planning is significant.

AI offers insights derived from complicated data analysis and helps executives make informed decisions.

This is especially valuable in environments where the volume of data and the speed of change exceed human capacity for analysis.

AI’s ability to model various scenarios and predict outcomes gives businesses a strategic edge, a facet where traditional data analysis methods fall short.

Explore More: Why is Quantum Computing Useful for Optimization Problems?

Which Business Case is Better Solved by Artificial Intelligence Industry-Wise

AI's impact on industries is undeniable. It streamlines processes with intelligent automation. Legacy systems, once resource-intensive and error-prone, are revitalized with AI's power.

But with this potential comes a crucial question: How can we leverage AI within each industry to identify the business cases that will benefit most from its capabilities? Let’s find out below:


Starting with which business case is better solved by artificial intelligence in the automotive industry.

By using automotive website with AI-driven features, automotive manufacturers can more effectively predict and adjust production to respond to changes in application and demand.


AI applications can streamline workflows to increase efficiency and reduce time-consuming tasks and the risk of error in production, support, procurement, and other areas.

Moreover, robots help reduce the need for manual labor and improve defect discovery, providing higher quality vehicles to customers at a lower cost to the business.


AI can create personalized educational materials for each student’s needs in the education and training sector. Teachers and trainers can use AI tools to see where students need extra help and attention.

For students tempted to plagiarize their papers or homework, AI can help spot the copied content. Additionally, AI-driven language translation tools and real-time transcription services can help non-native speakers understand the lessons.

Must Read: How AI Will Impact the Education System?


Businesses in the energy business can improve their cost competitiveness by leveraging AI and data analytics for demand forecasting, energy conservation, renewables optimization, and smart grid management.

The integration of AI into energy generation, transmission, and distribution operations can also improve customer service, freeing up human resources for innovation.

Customers employing supplier-based AI can gain a better understanding of their energy consumption and take steps to lower their power draw during high demand periods.

Financial services

AI-powered FinOps (Finance + DevOps) enables financial institutions to operationalize data-driven cloud spending decisions while carefully balancing cost and performance, reducing alert fatigue and wasted budget.

Many stock market transactions rely on machine learning and decades of data to forecast trends and eventually recommend whether and when to purchase or sell.

ML can also carry out algorithmic trading without human interaction. ML algorithms can identify patterns, enhance accuracy, cut expenses, and reduce the likelihood of human mistake.


There are many advantages of using AI in healthcare business ideas, which make this field relevant to this post. Which business case is better solved by artificial intelligence?


In healthcare, intelligent automation with NLP allows for a consistent approach to data analysis, diagnosis, and therapy. The usage of AI chatbots in remote healthcare sessions needs less human intervention and often results in a faster diagnosis.

On-site ML can be utilized in radiological imaging, with AI-enabled computer vision commonly employed to analyze mammograms and detect early lung cancer.

ML can also be trained to provide treatment recommendations, identify cancers, locate bone fractures, and detect neurological problems.


Advanced AI analytic tools can assist producers in developing predictive insights about market patterns, which can then be used to make a number of decisions.

Generative AI can improve and optimize product design by assisting manufacturing businesses in developing multiple design possibilities.

Furthermore, AI can provide suggestions for improving production efficiency. Using production data, genAI may predict or discover equipment breakdowns in real-time, and then recommend equipment changes, repair choices, or require spare parts.


Another industry where AI can make a big difference is pharmaceuticals. Drug discovery and development in this sector require immense data collection, collation, processing, and analysis.

A manual development and testing method could result in calculation errors and require considerable resources.

However, with AI applications, producing COVID-19 vaccines in record time, for example, shows how intelligent automation allows processes to improve production speed and quality.

Recommended Read: What is the Role of Generative AI in Drug Discovery? 2024


AI is working as a secret weapon for retailers to understand better and cater to increasing consumer demands.

With highly personalized online shopping, direct-to-consumer models, and delivery services completed with retail, generative AI can help retailers and e-commerce companies improve customer support and marketing campaigns.

AI can even help optimize inventory management. Generative AI handles diverse data sources such as emails, images, videos, audio files, and social media content.

This unstructured data forms the backbone for creating models and the ongoing training of generative AI so it can remain valuable over time.

Leveraging this unstructured data can benefit retail operations, enhance customer service through chatbots, and facilitate more effective email routing.

In practice, this could mean guiding users to the appropriate resources, whether connecting them with the right agent or directing them to user guides and FAQs pages of retail mobile applications.


AI is increasingly involved in the transportation industry. For example, Google Maps uses ML algorithms to check current traffic conditions, determine the fastest route, suggest nearby places to explore, and estimate arrival times.


Additionally, ride-sharing mobile applications such as Uber and Lyft leverage ML to match riders and drivers, set prices, check traffic, and, like Google Maps, analyze real-time traffic conditions to optimize driving routes and estimate arrival times.

Computer vision guides self-driving cars. An unsupervised ML algorithm enables self-driving cars to gather data from cameras and sensors to understand what’s happening around them and make real-time decisions.

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Concluding Thoughts

The true potential of AI lies in its ability to tackle specific business challenges.

Predictive analytics, customer support automation, fraud prevention, AI-powered diagnostics, personalized marketing, and even content creation is just a few examples of which business case is better solved by AI.

Looking ahead, the possibilities are limitless. AI will redefine industries by enhancing customer experiences, driving innovation, and solving complex problems beyond the scope of traditional methods.

As AI technology continues to evolve, even more sophisticated applications are on the horizon, promising to revolutionize the future of business.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Which business case is better solved by artificial intelligence?

Ans. There's no single "best" case, as AI excels at various tasks. Business cases like repetitive processes, data analysis, and tasks requiring quick responses, such as customer support, are some of the examples that AI can better solve.

Q. What is an example of an AI use case?

Ans. Imagine a retail store using AI to analyze customer purchase history and recommend personalized offers.

Q. What is the most popular artificial intelligence innovation use case?

Ans. Customer service automation is the most popular AI innovation use case today. AI chatbots and virtual assistants can handle basic inquiries, freeing up human agents for more complex issues.

Q. How can small businesses use AI?

Ans. Many AI tools are becoming affordable and user-friendly. Small businesses can leverage AI for social media marketing, scheduling appointments, or analyzing customer reviews.

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