How Much Does Website Design Cost in India?


Pragya Chauhan

Aug 06, 2024

Today, a well-designed website is essential for any business in India looking to thrive. It builds brand recognition, attracts new customers, and ultimately drives growth. However, for many businesses, the website design cost in India can be a significant concern.

Whether you're planning to redesign your website or starting fresh from scratch, this blog is your one-stop guide to understanding website design prices in India.

We'll explore different pricing models, the impact of website complexity, and other factors that influence the final cost. By the end, you'll have a clear understanding of what to expect when budgeting for your website design project.

What is a Website Design?

Website design refers to the design of a website. Web designing is the process of planning, conceptualizing, and implementing the plan for functionally designing a website that fits a company’s unique needs and offers a good user experience. User experience is a crucial part of website design.

Many platforms offer pre-built templates, fill-in-the-black, and drag-and-drop types of services that can help your business have a site. However, the disadvantage of these templates is they may look similar to other websites using the same template, leading to a generic feel. They may also come with limited functionality.

That’s why many businesses today opt for custom web development services and design, which allows the creation of a website specifically tailored to meet the company’s needs.

It means stepping outside of the template to create a website that achieves your business's goals, meets your customers' expectations, builds your brand, facilitates the capture of leads, and drives sales and growth for your business.

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The Benefits of Custom Website Design

Before we dive into the website design cost in India, let’s explore some common advantages of custom website design:

Brand Identity and Uniqueness

A custom website makes it possible for businesses to show their brand. You can use your website to define your brand and then communicate that brand to your target audience. This may include simple things such as the appearance of colors and logos, but it goes beyond this.

Your brand comes through from the wording choices to the site’s overall style. This helps users remember your company whenever they need a service you offer.

Rank Higher in the Search Engines

A custom-made website helps you rank well in search engines as well. When customers visit a search engine such as Google to find a company to help them with their service needs, you want to be sure your website shows up in those search results.

Otherwise, the customers will visit your competitor's website to learn what services are available. With a customer website design, you can control your site’s ranking more, which means an increase in the number of leads your company gets over time.

Improve Traffic to your Website

Customized website design also helps you enhance your business’s overall success in turning website visitors into customers. Your website should be built so that people take action when they visit your site, which often includes setting up an appointment or calling for service.

If your website fails to convert visitors into customers, that ends up costing your business time and money. In such cases, a custom website design delivers a higher ROI than a static template design.

Adapt to Change Easily

Another benefit of choosing a custom design for your website is the ability to change it over time to fit the changing needs and trends in the industry. Custom design offers a higher level of safety and security.

Also, you can ensure that your site is constantly updated on your services and provides visitors with the correct information, tools, and marketing messages to reach today’s customer base.

Also Read: 8 Useful Tips for Automotive Website Design to Attract More Customers

What are Different Website Design Pricing Models

Now that you know why custom website design is essential, let’s understand the different website design pricing models available. This will help you better understand the website cost in India and make informed decisions.

  • Hourly Rates: Freelance web designers often charge by the hour, offering flexibility but requiring careful project estimation and time management. In India, you can expect an hourly range of ₹500 to ₹2000, depending on the experience and expertise of the designer.
  • Fixed Project-Based Pricing: Web designing agencies often present fixed quotes for clearly defined projects. This provides cost certainty but less freedom for scope changes. Based on the web design complexity, fixed pricing can range from ₹50,000 to ₹5,00,000 or more.
  • Retainer-Based Models: This is an ideal option for ongoing website maintenance and content content updates, retainers offer predictable monthly fees and dedicated support. The designing costs can range from ₹5,000 to ₹20,000 per month, depending on the scope of services.

It’s worth mentioning that the cheapest website design cost in India isn’t always the best investment. Choosing a website development & designing partner based on experience, expertise, and alignment with your vision is crucial for long-term success.

Breakdown of Website Design Costs in India

Now that we understand the different website design models, let's delve into the breakdown of website design costs in India based on website complexity:

Basic Website Design:

Imagine a basic website design as a clean, professional website with 5-10 static pages (about us, service page, contact us, etc.) It provides essential information and builds brand awareness. Brochures, portfolios, or simple informational sites fall under this category. These types of websites typically have a price range of ₹50,000 to ₹1,00,000 in India.

Cost Breakdown and Key Determinants:

  • Domain and Hosting: You can expect around ₹1,000-₹5,000 per year for domain registration and web hosting services.
  • Design and Development: Features like basic theme customization, content integration, and essential functionalities like contact forms and SEO optimization contribute roughly ₹30,000-₹70,000.
  • Content Writing (Optional): Professional web content writing can add another ₹10,000-₹20,000 to the website creation cost.

Mid-range Website Design:

This category involves a dynamic website with 10-20 pages, interactive elements like sliders and animation, dynamic content like blogs, and news sections, basic e-commerce functionality with product pages and shopping carts, and social media integration.

Mid-range websites cater to growing businesses and brands seeking lead generation and online presence, typically ecommerce website development costs in India range from  ₹1,00,000 to ₹2,50,000.

Cost Breakdown and Key Determinants:

  • Additional Features: Mid-range websites often have features like e-commerce functionality, interactive elements, and more complex design adding around ₹50,000-₹1,00,000 to the website design cost.
  • Content Management System: A website with advanced CMS platforms offering more customization and control might increase development and maintenance costs.
  • Security and Analytics: Implementing security measures and website analytics tools can add another ₹10,000-₹20,000.

High-end Website Design:

Imagine a website with custom animation, parallax scrolling, advanced e-commerce platforms with personalized user experiences, sophisticated content management systems, and multilingual capabilities.

These websites are typically for established brands targeting a global audience and the website design cost in India can range from ₹2,50,000 to ₹10,00,000 or even higher.

Cost Breakdown and Key Determinants:

  • Bespoke Design and Development: Custom functionalities, animations, and special features significantly contribute to the website design charges in India.
  • Advanced CMS and Integrations: Complex CMS and integrations with third-party tools can further increase the website design cost.
  • Ongoing Maintenance and Support: Advanced websites often require dedicated maintenance and support teams, adding to the recurring website design cost.

Quick Overview of Website Design Costs in India

To provide a quick overview of website design costs in India, here's a summary of the costs for different types of websites in India:

  • Personal Website ₹10,000 – ₹25,000

  • Small Business Website ₹22,500 – ₹47,500

  • Small eCommerce Website ₹25,000 – ₹65,000

  • Big Business Website ₹47,500 – ₹3,00,000

  • Big eCommerce Website ₹65,000 onwards

  • Enterprise Website ₹3,00,000 onwards

Please note that these are average cost ranges, and the actual cost may vary depending on the specific requirements of your project.

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Factors that influence Website Design Costs

Keep in mind that the cost of your website is not a one-size-fits-all figure; a unique blend of factors shapes website design costs in India:

  • Complexity and Functionality: A simple brochure website with static pages will cost less than a complex e-commerce website with dynamic features and integrations.
  • Design Customization and Personalization: Do you crave a pixel-perfect, custom UI/UX design, or are you comfortable with a pre-built template with minor tweaks? The level of design customization significantly impacts website design pricing.
  • Platform and Technology: Selecting the right platform, be it WordPress, Wix, or a custom CMS, affects development costs and ongoing maintenance needs.
  • Additional Features: E-commerce functionality, payment gateways, booking systems, and other bells and whistles add layers of complexity and website design charges in India.
  • Maintenance and Support Services: Do you need ongoing website updates, security monitoring, or content management support? These ongoing needs influence your overall website creation cost.

In short, the cost of website designing in India depends on the type of website, complexity, design requirements, features and functionality, technology stack, number of pages, and ongoing maintenance.

If you want to know the exact cost of creating a website in India or how much web page design costs in India for your project, consult our experts today!

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How to Choose the Right Website Design Company in India

Now that you have an idea of website design costs in India, the next you might be wondering how will you choose the right website design service provider and kickstart your project. Here are a few tips to help you choose the web design service that meets your needs:

  • Set Realistic Budgets: Before you hand over your project to a website designing company, set a budget according to your needs and available resources. You can also start with a minimum viable product (MVP) website and scale up with your business growth.
  • Evaluate Service Providers and their Offerings: Start searching for the top web development company and compare portfolios, experience, expertise, and website design pricing structures. Look for a company specializing in your industry for better understanding and communication.
  • Prioritize Features and Functionalities: It’s crucial to think straight and don’t get overwhelmed by fancy features. Focus on features and functionalities that directly address your business goals and target audience.

Remember, the right website creation cost aligns with your budget, goals, and long-term vision.

Looking for a low-cost Website Design Company in India?

After learning about the designing & website development costs in India, it's normal to think about choosing a low-cost website design company to save as much as possible.

But it’s important to note that the cheapest website design service isn’t always the best investment. Choosing the right partner based on experience, expertise, and alignment with your vision is crucial for the long-term success of your business.

With an effective design that captures your brand and boosts engagement, you can craft a website that drives conversions and promotes the success of your other marketing strategies.

Now that the question of how much website design costs in India is answered, If you are looking for professional website design and development services, consider contacting Arramton Infotech.

Our experienced team can provide customized solutions tailored to meet your business requirements. A professional website design will enhance your online presence and contribute to increased visibility, customer engagement, and business growth.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you build a user-friendly and scalable web design!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How much does a website design cost in India?

Ans. Website design costs vary depending on complexity.  A basic website starts at ₹20,000, while large e-commerce sites can cost ₹65,000 or more. See the blog for a detailed breakdown.

Q. How much does a 15-page website cost in India?

Ans. Price depends on features, not just pages. A 15-page brochure site could cost ₹22,500, but adding e-commerce features would increase the cost significantly.

Q. Can I design my own website?

Ans. Yes, website builders allow some DIY options. However, complex features or a professional look might require a web designer.

Q. How much does a 5-page website cost?

Ans. A basic 5-page website can cost around ₹20,000. The cost increases with features like custom design or content management systems.

Q. How much does a freelancer charge for a website in India?

Ans. Freelance web designer rates range from ₹500 to ₹2,000 per hour. The total cost depends on the project scope and hourly rate.

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