How to Build An Auto Dialer Software in 5 Simple Steps


Pragya Chauhan

Apr 04, 2024

In today’s corporate culture, many businesses have already realized that effective communication is key to success.

That’s what makes auto dialer software development an important tool that helps sales, advertising, and customer support firms streamline their outbound calling operations.

According to market data, the global automatic dialer software market is forecast to reach $542.7 million by 2025, fueled by the desire for better efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

In order to take advantage of this trend, business owners create custom auto dialer solutions that meet their unique needs, boost earnings, gain a bold part, and enhance customer engagement.

And if you also want to take advantage of dialer programs, this guide is something you must read.

Below, we will provide an overview of the process of developing auto dialer software to help you correctly manage the development process and take advantage of this rapidly expanding marketplace.

So, without further ado, let’s get this started!

What is Auto Dialer Software and Who can use it?

An auto dialer software is a type of program that can automatically dial numbers for outbound phone calls, and help users (typically call center agents) eliminate the need to manually dial the numbers.

This software comes with many beneficial features such as they can automatically dialing, determining whether the call was answered by a person or an answering machine and even playing a message or connecting the call to an agent to handle it.

Auto dialer software is generally used by outbound call centers for sales or service calls. But, because of the simplicity of the system and relativity low implementation costs, these are also used in small businesses, doctors, and schools.

Anyone who has school-aged children has probably received an auto-dialed call informing them about late starts or something else.

Call centers that use dialer software for outbound sales calls to leads need to be aware of and comply with FCC regulations and Do Not Call Laws, Especially, auto dialer users should be familiar with the rules set forth by the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA).

A next-generation of dialers, such as predictive dialers software and power dialers, offer more features and capabilities than auto dialers.

There are now advanced solutions built by software development services providers to meet a broad spectrum of requirements, from simple to complex.

How Does an Auto Dialer Software Work?

An auto dialer software that automates the process of dialing phone numbers from a contact list, or often, many lists housed within a CRM or another database.

The main goal of this software is to connect sales agents with more potential customers or existing clients and to do so in less time.

By taking over manual dialing tasks, automotive dialers significantly increase the number of calls an agent can make per hour.

This results in more conversations with live prospects and customers. Since many calls, agents make go unanswered, autodialers supercharge efficiency and save money by minimizing agent downtime.

But if you want an answer about how an autodialer works, then you need to know that it varies from dialer to dialer.

The most powerful and latest type of dialers—predictive dialers—leverage intelligent algorithms to place many calls at once while accurately predicting when customers will be on the line and when an agent will be available to handle that call.

Meanwhile, other types of auto dialer software leverage good old-fashioned phone lines (even if most are virtual now) to place calls simultaneously, while others leverage robotic process automation (RPA), a fancy phrase for what’s now typical, rules-based automation technology, to eliminate manual dialing.

However, even though automatic dialing is the key function of an autodialer, that’s just the start of it. Autodialers today—or at least the best of them—are capable of doing more than just dial.

What are the Different Types of Auto Dialer Software?

It’s important to understand the different types of automatic call dialers, as it’ll help you decide what type of solution you should build for the highest ROI.

The most popular auto-dialers include:

1. Auto Dialer

As you may have probably noticed, auto dialer is one of the most commonly used dialer software in call centers and telemarketing businesses. This kind of software can dial thousands of calls in seconds and connect the agent to the live user only.

2. Predictive Dialer

The predictive dialer is used when dialers have to decide how many outbound calls are supposed to be dialed and when another call should be dialed based on the agent’s availability.

This is another frequently used technology in the call center, especially large call centers that usually deal with thousands of customers daily for lead generation.

3. Power Dialer

These dialers are less meaningless and less effective in practice because of their basic features like some simple control on outbound calls made by an agent. Although it’s an auto dialer so dialing would be automated, no form of dialing would be adaptive or predictive.

4. Progressive Dialer

In progressive dialer, after completing the previous call, the system automatically dials the next number present on the list. This simply eliminates the wait time between calls and enhances an agent’s productivity in a short time.

5. Preview Dialer

With a preview dialing solution, an agent can check out the next number after finishing up with the previous one. Dialers can simply be well-prepared before dialing the next call, as there are no hassles of dialing calls manually.

Why should you invest in Auto Dialer Software?

Many of you must be interested in learning how to build auto dialer software, while others may be asking about its benefits.

So, before we get into the part of developing a predictive outbound dialer, we'll point you in the direction of a road that will provide you with some fantastic benefits for investing in the auto-dialer solution development process.

1. Enhanced Agent Productivity

Custom auto dialer solution development avoids the time-consuming guide variety dialing technique. Consider how many minutes retailers lose when they are waiting for connections or walking through congested areas.

By automating this process, auto-dialers allow sellers to engage in conversations without delay, resulting in a significant increase in the number of calls handled throughout a shift.

2. Increase Your Reach

An automatic call dialer can dramatically increase the number of outgoing calls compared to manual dialing methods. Auto dialer software development in a shorter period of time may allow you to reach a larger audience and generate more leads or sales opportunities.

With the dialing method automated, your team can focus on generating persuasive messaging and ultimately doing business.

3. Improved Customer Experience

Faster connection speeds lead to happier customers. Nobody enjoys having to wait for maintenance.  An automated dialer solution ensures that calls are routed more efficiently, minimizing wait times and enhancing customer engagement.

Hold times can also be decreased using technology such as predictive dialing, which forecasts the availability of sellers, thus improving the overall customer experience.

4. Valuable Data and Reporting

The introduction of robo-dialer software provides valuable insights into outbound call operations. Call factors including connection fees, call duration, and agent performance can all be tracked.

This knowledge can be used to optimize name-middle approaches, identify difficulty spots, and achieve stepped-forward effects.

5. Cost-Effectiveness

Developing auto dialer software has resulted in significant cost savings over time, despite the need for initial investment. Improved conversion charges, decreased idle time, and increased agent productivity all contribute to a positive return on investment (ROI).

Furthermore, auto-dialers can reduce phone expenses by optimizing call routing and eliminating superfluous name attempts.

Important Features to Add to Your Auto Dialer Software

Now that you know why investing in an automatic dialer software development is profitable, you should understand its features for the best possible results.

In this section, we've gathered a list of 15+ auto dialer software features that you should be aware of.

1. Predictive Dialing

This feature optimizes agent communication time and productiveness through robotically dialing numbers and connecting stay calls to be held by retailers. 

2. Preview Dialing

Preview dialing, which is helpful for complex sales or high-cost conversations, allows retailers to look at lead information before dialing.

3. Power dialing

This feature boosts agent output by way of routinely calling the subsequent variety as quickly as the name is hung up.

4. Voice Broadcasting

Voice broadcasting allows users to concurrently transmit pre-recorded messages for advertising and marketing or notifications to a significant quantity of contacts at once. 

5. Call Monitoring and Recording

This feature in auto dialer software allows managers to keep an eye on ongoing calls and document discussions for schooling and excellent management functions.

6. CRM Integration

Adding CRM systems in software can help managers improve workflow and records management.

7. Customizable Call Dispositions

Customizable call disposition helps with lead control and reporting where retailers can use custom inclinations to classify call outcomes. 

8. Lead Distribution and Management

This feature is essential as using a centralized database, leads are sent to dealers according to predetermined suggestions.

9. Real-time Reporting and Analytics

This function offers modern-day data on agent productivity, campaign effectiveness, and other important information.

10. Intelligent Call Routing

Matches call to the friendly agent automatically by the use of pre-installed requirements, which include language or ability set.


5 Steps to Build an Auto Dialer Software

Now is the final time to dig into the development part to create an automatic dialer using 5 simple steps.

Prepare to follow the step-by-step instructions given below to create software with the help of an excellent software development firm.

1. Define requirements and scope

The first step involves carefully defining your product's functions and user base.

You can contact an auto-dialer software development company to learn the best features you require, such as lead management or CRM software integrations, name routing, pre-recorded messages, and call scheduling.

Whether your work is a feature-rich application or a simple dialer CRM development solution, it is critical to define its scope.

Related Read: 7 Steps for a Successful CRM Implementation

2. Hire a Development Team

Finding a reliable auto dialer software development company is crucial for developing auto call dialer applications.

Hire dedicated developers who understand how to work with telephone systems such as Asterisk or Twilio and have experience with Python or Java.

You may also consider employing a CMS development company to create an intuitive user interface for your dialer software.

3. Development Process

After hiring the team, begin building the auto dialer software. It is recommended to adopt agile development methodologies, in which the solution is divided into smaller milestones to allow for continual feedback and revisions.

According to enterprise product development, companies build crucial features, along with contact control, name scheduling, call routing common sense, and interplay with outside services.

4. Testing and Quality Assurance

To ensure auto dialer functioning and dependability, extensive testing is essential. To discover and connect insects, software testing service providers will carry out software product development and testing procedures.

It is also beneficial to add User Acceptance Testing (UAT), in which a dedicated team tests the program to acquire practical data and identify usability issues.

5. Deployment and Maintenance

Use the predictive dialers software after successfully checking out. It should include the use of cloud technology or the configuration of servers. Provide ongoing maintenance to the software after it has been installed.

This part involves correcting any flaws or errors that users have pointed up, as well as adding new features or functionalities as needed.

Remember that auto dialer SAAS application creation adheres to telecom legal rules, so ensure compliance at all stages of development and installation.

Also Read: How to Create an AI Software

Cost of Building an Auto Dialer Software

The cost of building an automatic dialer software depends on main three factors; features, platform, and development company/developers you’re hiring.

Feature-rich dialer solutions like predictive dialing, IVR (Interactive Voice Response) structures, and actual-time analytics will cost more to develop auto dialer software than basic dialers with auto dialing and phone recording.

Time and cost to develop the software are at once impacted by using complexity.

Aside from the features and functionality, it’s important to know that in-house developers will cost you more.  A less costly option you can choose is to outsource to a modern software development company.

The cost to make an automated dialer can further range based totally on experience and location.

Moreover, compared to on-premise software cloud-based solutions are usually less expensive. Platforms within the cloud provide scalability and do not require an initial hardware expenditure.

To give you an overview of the cost, the expected cost of building auto software for various development complexities is mentioned below:

Complexity of Software 


Estimated Cost 


Basic auto dialer software development with basic auto dialing features. 

($8,000 – $16,000)


Auto dialer with features like predictive dialing, click-to-dial, and basic reporting

($16,000 – $30,000)


Feature-rich software with advanced functionalities like IVR, call monitoring, robust analytics, and CRM integrations


These are just estimations of the cost of custom software development. This exact cost to develop an auto dialer software will totally depend on your requirements and preferences.

To evaluate your needs and get more more precise cost estimate, it’s best to contact a reliable software development company. They will make the whole development process a lot easier.

How Arramton can Help you Build a Cost-Effective Auto Dialer Software

The software development team at Arramton leverages proven methodologies to build unique systems that cater to diverse business needs.

We prioritize seamless integration, cutting-edge technology, and intuitive user interfaces, ensuring a smooth and efficient experience.

So if you’re ready to transform your communication processes and boost efficiency with an advanced auto dialer solution that suits your budget, Contact Arramton Infotech today!

We'll help you explore how developing a customized auto dialer Software can empower your business to achieve its goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How much does an autodialer cost?

Ans. The cost of an autodialer varies depending on features, scalability, and deployment model (cloud vs. on-premise). It can range from a few hundred dollars to thousands per month.

Q. Are auto-dialers illegal?

Ans. Generally, auto-dialers are legal for businesses, but Telemarketing Sales Rule (TSR) regulations apply in the US.  Also, it requires compliance to avoid harassing calls.

Q. What is a CRM with a dialer system?

Ans. A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform that integrates with an autodialer allows agents to manage contacts, call logs, and recordings all in one place.

Q. How many types of auto dialers are there?

Ans. There are four types of auto dialers: Predictive Dialer, Power Dialer, Power Dialer, and Preview Dialer.

Q. How many calls can an autodialer make?

Ans. How many calls an autodialer can make depends on factors like dialing mode, internet connection speed, and number of agents available. Generally, these solutions can make hundreds or even thousands of calls per hour.

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